Wednesday, December 29, 2010

29th December 2010

Had choir practice today. It was quite a good one i suppose:D
Met Limin before going choir:D
Then went choir and had sectionals.
Sang Laudate Pueri Dominum.
There was one really high note and my voice became soar, like really soar.
Hehe. Everyone really tried reaching that note. Well doneeee!!(Y)
Then had practice with Mr.Liew.
Sop 2 got lost a lot but it was quite ok, MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!:D
Myself, i lack lots of confidence too. Must jiayou liao.
Haahaa, see ya;P

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

28th December 2010

Had choir yesterday.
Went to meet up with Limin before going to choir(: Thx Limin:D:D:D
It was pretty scary during yesterday's practice.
Had to sing one by one.
Really getting a trauma attack. Haha.
Tomorrow will be the last practice for this year.
In another week or less, it's the beginning of another new year and school's reopening):
I miss the holiday ambiance);
Hopefully, next year would be a smooth one with lesser ups and downs:D
and that i will do well in next year's O levels.
Tough isn't it.
really have to go to the temple and 拜拜 liao.
Really scared ~.~
Not a really nice feeling huh..
Hehe, and all the best to all my friends around me,
ME love YOU!!:D

One more week of enjoyment before jumping into a volcano, just an analogy! :D

Thursday, December 23, 2010

23rd December 2o1o

Woke up real early today.
Drag myself outta bed at about 5.40am even after a long sleepness night.
Helped out at the sec 1 registration today.
Was great but tiring i think. My disease of in-decisiveness is coming out again. Haha.
Was the usherer but i end up stoning at my position.
Then helped out with the sample sizes for the sec 1s orientation tee.
Everything ended at about 11.30 then bus-ed to whitesand to ave lunch with bro:D
That's all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

14th December 2010

Hello world:D

It's again another boring day):
Home-d all day working day and night.
Anyway, just did assessment books.
Probably do all the memorizing stuff next week.
Chem first, followed by Phy, Bio would be next and finally, combine humanities.
Just a boring life.
Last friday, bro and I watched the friday night owl horror movie on channel U.
It was a thai one, all i can say is supherb!!:D
it was damn scary lah,
the ghost kept appearing after thirty minutes of introduction.
But the storyline was great:D
that's all~~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

8th December 2010
I'm back!!!:D Well, i'm initially back already. Hehe.
On the 2nd of Dec, went out with family and my uncles's family.
Well, we are all relatives(needless to say). LOL.
So, went to the Singapore flyers with them.
Uncle has free tickets to it:D
The ride wasn't that long, it's definitely less than 30mins.
So, took a few pictures.
Oh come on, who can resist the temptation of the excellent night view, though most of the scenery were practically all buildings(a sarcastic way of saying). But, it's still NICE~:D
That's me and my bro:D

My dad and I:D I look exactly like him huh.. Hehe.

My dad and Bro:D

My own PicD: When did i even take that. Lol. That's him again!! Argh!!
So, that's all.
that's my youngest bro, didn't manage to take a picture with him)):

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st December 2010

Alas, i'm back from choir camp(:
It was fun except the sleeping part..
The floor was hard and cold.
I had problems sleeping due to that.
Furthemore, it was really really cold.
Anyway, woke up with backache and muscle pain all over..
Then, after training with Mr.Liew from 8 to 11am, Home Sweet Home(:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

28th November 2010

Failure is the path to success.
We need to fail, and learn from mistakes before going into the path of 'successful-ness.'
We must have to guts to succeed and to fail;
and not walking away, leading our failures unanalysed or even denying the fact that we have failed.
Success for the first time doesn't mean that we could slacken down and not think about more ways we could do to capitalise on the chances of improvement.
We have to accept flaws and learn from them before we could eventually success.

"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required by him; it is the amount of excellence of what of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."
-By Charles Kendall Adams

Hmmm, why am i talking about success today. Lol.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm back!!!:D
Today's the 18 of Nov 2010.
Holidays have started but it doesn't seems like a HOLIDAY a all.
It's just another typical short break. Hehe.
Anyway, changed my blogskin back to the old one:D
I preferred this one.
So, had choir today.
Manage to complete a new song..
Had to rush through all my homework and assignments..
Gonna start revision my DEC.
So, had make plans for my education after leaving NVSS.
Well, i really wanted to get into Meridian JC.. Hopefully i can..
Really motivated to do so:D
Bye~ studying studying...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally Blogged.
Special term has already started and it's really boring..
Homework piling after homework.
Just recieved Cl holiday assignment and I have to write 6 compositions.
Ms Lee just gave us another one today.
Sian. zzz.
In total, we have to write 7 compos)):
Seriously have no time for revision.
Left with one important mission; To think really hard to continue with triple science or drop to combine.
I'm dead tired.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog has already hibernate-d for about a month?
Gonna activate it. LOL.
In a blink of an eye, exams are over and the results are here.
Didn't score that well.
Was really dissapointed.
So here they are; a little description of the SA2 results .

Eng: getting back tomorrow):
E-maths: I totally screw paper 2.
A-maths: It was poorly done!!!
Cl: big improvement!!!;D
Bio: Thought I would flunk it..
Chem: Big deprovement;(
Phy: Lose 6 marks due to my STUPID careless mistakes... Argh, heart pain!!
SS and Geo: Getting back tomorrow..

So that's all.
Generally, my end-year results stinks.
Could have done better..
Arghhh, have to study soon..
During the holidays, I'm seriously gonna chiong for O next year!!
Academic first! ;D

Blog have been revived.....

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last day of school which depicts the starting of Sep hols.
Not a good one indeed. EOY is on it's way. Having thought about it make me feel sick.
So anyway, had the teachers' day celebration on Tuesday.
It wasn't a really great one for me. Everything turned out into a mess and there's many confusion going all around.
Ran up and down simultaneous but nevertheless, I wished to express my heartfelt thanks to the prefects who went to help our;D. It was great.
Without all of you, I would really be in a deep mess.
Anyway, after the celebration, had the BBQ.
And the scorching sun was really killing me. But thanks everyone who came forth to help.
I was practically standing there and watching the food being barbecued over the aluminium foil which was being burnt later on. HAHA:D

After the whole thing, went to meet up with Jes and Jing in hougang mall.
Went to the library to enjoy the cool air-con there and read some of Low Kay Hwa's book; a short paragraph though.
Then Amanda came and we went to dunno where to get Sticky sweets. Didn't get to buy them due to ultimate laziness.
So Jing and Jes went off after that and Amanda and I continued to stay on and we chatted a lot:D:D:D
Then went home at about 7+.

Wed's a holiday, so practically slack the whole day through.

Thursday was as per usual. Went round collecting money and then blew the whistle for my duty.

And finally, it's friday (which is today).
Played floorball during Pe.
A phrase for it; It's insane and it's fun.
The class broke one of the plastic floorball, and it's totally 'cut' into half.
Anyway, recess as per usual again. Blew the whistle again and went back to class.
Had SS test after that and it's horrendous! I bet i'm gonna fail it, no doubt.
Miss Lim also returned us back our SBQ test and I just managed to scrape though but I must still come back for SS CRT):
How great my monday afternoon can be.
That's all. The end~

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's another typical saturday; the same old boring routine continues..
Yesterday school was ok i guess..
Had tons of things to do due to the upcoming teacher's day..

On thurs,
Had gotten back Bio and Chem results.
Didn't do well for Bio, though i top the class. only scored 27/40.
For chem, it's still ok. I scored 23/30. Gotten second in class
Was quite pleased with the results.
But the quiz before that was atrocious. I think i would get a zero back for that.
Ms.Lee gave us a lecture on our 'misbehaviour'.
I really felt guilty. She's trying really hard to ensure that we'll all do well..
Sometimes when i saw her be it in school or outside school, I don't have the guts to look at her in the eye and telling her I'm from 3e1.
Anyway, I believe we will all try our best from now on...
So before Chem, had an A-maths test. And I have the confidence to say that I will do well.
Hopefully I will;)

On Fri,
had to appoint ten prefects to be backstage helpers.
Well, we have too many guys and are short of 2 girls.
So had to skipped sectionals..
I really wanna go for sectionals.
We were obviously slacking behind at the backstage and doing nothing.
Apparently, we have nothing to do and all the guys are shooting some of drama behind with plastic knives. Haahaa, they were really funny.
So just helped to move some of the rockband's equipments.
But on the actual day, we need 5 female and 5 male prefects to take part in some kind of teachers' day activity. Hopefully I don't need to present myself on stage. It would be really embarrasing.
So here are the list of backstage helpers:
Eugenia Goh
Samuel Neo
Say wei
Nicholas Chew
Fatihah and her friend:D:D:D
Thx all for the help yesterday..
Tues is the actual concert, jia you everyone.

Anyway, forgot to inform the classes that broke the mugs to collect it on mon.
Really sorry..
Too many things jamming in my mind so I forget about it...
I will pass it all to you on mon.

Had loads to do on mon.
All the preparations for teachers' day..
That's all..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's another saturday morning..
So as per usual, slept in till 11.30.
Woke up and the daily saturday routine continues.

Yesterday had choir. It was ok i guess..
So after it ended, when to mac with Wendy and Esther to have dinner:D
The at about 6.50pm, bus-ed home.
Had a long chat with my darling AMANDA;D
Chatted a lot and I LOVE HER ttm. Haha.
I hope i can see her soon..

Ok, got to go and study for my tests next week.
Hopefully i've some time left later for revision for the upcoming EOY):
I hate it.
Must chiong liao.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back again..
Had chem test today, and it's horribly done. Didn't complete it but i guess i would be able to pass.
Awaiting for the next important test of the week-Bio. Had loads to memorise for. This is so time-consuming that i did not have the time to complete reading my library books.
So school's fine.. Nothing much to elaborate on.
Yesterday, went for the viewing of the YOG badminton game.
It was pretty boring but interesting though.
And the food there was really expensive, so starve the whole time there.

Anyway, watched a really touching DVD last week.
This movie is based on a real story that took place in Japan many years ago..
Well, to summarise it; it's about a dog who send his master (a university professor) to the train station for work and fetch him later in the evening.
But one day, his master died while he was teaching.
However, Hachiko continued to wait for his master even after he knew that his master would never be coming back again.
So he waited for 9 years before he finally died; at the train station..

Had gotten back phy, cl and a-maths results.
Didn't do very well.
At least there's an improvement for phy but i failed Cl..
K that's all~

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hey peeps, outing with all my Baobei yesterday:D
Went to Jes house at 2pm to meet up with her and SQ.
Then went with Jing to meet up with Amanda.
Then walk to compass to meet up with the others.
Bought titbits from value dollar shop. I bought a can of chips while Amanda bought a packet of chips:P Haahaa
Took bus to AMK hub..
Sat with Amanda while Jes sat with SQ.
My nu er Jing sat solo):
Don't be sad nu er, mama give you hug hug:D:D:D

So went to catch the move The Last Airbender.
Jes and SQ went to catch the 3D one while Amanda, Jing and I went to catch the 2D one. So we went our separate ways.
Anyway before that, we went to shop around.

Amanda, me and Jing:D

Haha, stole this pic from Jing's blog.

So had a really great time:D Chatted a lot too:P
So finally the movie started and we were all really excited, it's the first movie we catch together:D
So generally, the movie's fine. But it's quiite boring but i enjoyed it though.
But it's only on book one-water.
There's still 3 more to go. I'm still considering whether i should catch the other episodes too.
Bt nevertheless, i enjoyed myself though some NMZ called to disrupt the fun and said all those nonsence=.=
So after the movie, bus-ed home and reached home at about 10.
That's all, thanks for the wonderful time I had:D:D:D
I love you all.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Came back from CHEM CRT.
Can you imagine the pain of staying in class with 2 HOURS OF chemistry.
That's totally insane.
Haahaa, i'm exaggerating.
So generally, school was fine.
I forgot all the things that happened in school.
Have been quarreling with SK and MZ lately. Haha
It's only a fun quarrel though.
So yesterday,
was suppose to meet up with Ms.Lin at 2pm.
But at about 1, she has something on. So, left school and bus-ed to compass to meet up with my DARLING CHIA JING YEE:D
haha, we chatted a lot. and of course, i complained a lot about SK & MZ. That's what girls usually talk about. I mean, research has shown that girls talk more than guys (my own research);x
And of course we talk about JY'S favourite-Ah Piao and Ye jun.
So left her house at about 3. Took 83 from compass before changing to bus 88.
So generally, i had a great time yesterday:D
So slept at about 12 to prepare for today's CRT):
Then when the lesson almost ended, Ms Lee told Min zhao took give out some books.
And he stood up; and everyone knows he's wearing shorts (our school shorts that guys in the lower sec classes wore)
And was laughing simultaneously.
It was damn weird to see him in SHORTS!
Then he was like, "why? cannot wear shorts ar.."
Then i was thinking, i didn't say you can't.
Then bus-ed home after that and here I am blogging..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Haiz, this week is kind of a bad week for me.
Firstly, my message explode liao, i think i have already exceeded the limit of 1000 sms per month.
Come on, 1000 is to0 little;x Haahaa.
So monday's fine.
Secondly, my msn tio virus.
I hope my com doesn't crash and it won't affect anything especially the computer itself and FACEBOOK!
Tuesday too, my bag is really heavy.
Wed is ok. It's racial harmony day, had a whole full of activities but had e-maths CRT after that.
Thurs is ok too. Had choir with Mr.Liew after that and it was great though i was a little appalled.
Friday's the BEST! ;D
Had Bio practical, and we did the disection of the sheep's heart.
It was really disgusting at first but it was okay after that and we all HAD A GREAT TIME AFTER THAT!
To disect the sheep heart; requires a lot of energy. The heart is made up of very strong muscles so that explains it.


Anyway, here's the picture of the sheep's heart!
Cool isn't it. Haahaa
It was taken by one of classmates;P

That's all folks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

If you recieve any links from me, DON'T CLICK IT!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Last day of the week is always the best.
Anyway, congrats to the competitors that went to the taiwan trip:D
Ok, school was fine, but i'm really feeling tired today. Feel like sleeping during the whole time at school esp during Bio.
Eng lesson was the BEST, we did a little"activity". It's about narrative writing. And all the story-telling during that activity was funny and pervetic. Haha, i think it's already suitable for Bio lesson. Haahaa, Bio students, you know what I mean yeah *winks*
So altogether, 3 stories were told.It's about some of the guys in the class. So don't know how, the whole story lead to some pervetic stuffs.
So teacher ended this activity early.
So had Bio lesson after that, and it's quite interesting. But due to my sleepiness, I switched off.
Had recess and as per usual, blew the whistle and chase the people.
Then had Cl and SS lesson and next mon, there will be a SS test on SBQ. I was like shit, i am quite weak in that....

So for the past few days, recieved quite a number of hw. Actually, i had loads of them.
So this weekend is definitely not a pleasant one.
HAD to do lots of revision and hw.
I'm bored to death.

So anyway, the current seating arrangement is quite ok.
Nothing happened much, just that sek kun wore ***UNDERWEAR to school. Haaahaa!!!!!!
He even "showcase" it to everbody.
But i'm the only one who saw it..
so our whole conversation is about his ***underwear.
I'm definitely not a pervert, he show it to everyone with pride so anyone can see it.
HAAHAA~ Sorry sk, this is to teach you a lesson not to bully me in class.
Kay, bye~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow, i'm actually blogging during weekdays.
That's something I should be surprise of..
Haha, so anyway, today's the second day of a new week.
Ok, i'm exaggerating.
So school's fine, but it's pretty boring especially when there's no one to talk to during lessons.
I mean not during break times or whatever.
Because teacher change the seating arrangement of the person beside me,
so Jiayi is not sitting beside me anymore):
so in the end i have a boring life in class.
But it'll be better if some SK product stop harrassing me.
He's been pissing my off lately. =.=
Shall ignore him.

Just got back A-maths results.
Miraculousy, I passed:D Hahaa.
I just hit the dot, 10/20 :D
Was suppose to get 11/20 but have marking error, so teacher have to deduct one mark):
but generally, the class didn't do really well.
Many people failed that test, so the class's average is 9 marks.
zzz, upon hearing that, i thought i was gonna fail.
So anyway, i passed. and that's history.

For the past few days, Mr.Lim didn't come,
so stayed in class for phy lesson. Mr.Lee went on teaching and his class is really funny, haahaa
I should have been less careless during mid-year to get into his class.
But anyway, that's history too..
So, i really paid attention in Mr.Lee's class soo when Mr.lim comes back and teaches us, I would understand better.
Chem and Bio was ok, but chem is a little complicated, dunno what reagents thingy plus this salt and that salt then give you a salt
haahaa, glad that i somehow understand.
But there's a whole chunk to remember for chem. ZZZ
Like a whole worksheet full if important stuffs.
eng lesson was boring, test test all the way.
the next eng lesson also have another test.
Also have ss test this fri.
Wah, more sian.ZZZ
haiz, that's the life of a typical bookworm..

People, please wish me goodluck for all the upcoming tests!!!
Bye~ :D:D:D

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yesterday was a fine day

Jun and Mie:D
Crap crap crap..
Yesterday, mum went to Korea, without us):
My dream was to go there, and she actually accompany grandma to go there.
How great that was, cos my bro and I actually had to remain in Singapore and get tortured by the heat here while she's enjoying herself there..
Anyway, went to the airport to sent her, my grandma, my two cousins and my aunt and uncle to Korea.. Haaahaaa.
So I forced my bro Jun to wear the same shirt as me.
I bought that shirt about 4 years ago and it has the same design on it,
just that it has different colours on them.
Left home at about 5.45pm.
Then we went to have our dinner at a Japanese restaurant.
They served pasta there.
Wow, and the food there was great, and the service is also excellent. HAAHAA.
They greeted us when we enter and I was a little paiseh, not used to it, but it was good.
So I ordered a plate of pasta with some sauce on it,
and I added loads of parmesan cheese on them.
Well, what can you expect from a cheese-lover. I'm a die-hard fan of cheese:D
Haahaa, after dinner shopped around although there's nothing to shop for.
So I gave mum a whole list of things I want to but.
So here's it is: One sling bag for school and other uses.
One handbag for outings-preferbly a white one(:
A new watch (I want a kawaii one) Haahaa, just kidding.
Two pairs of shoes.
New clothes-I want a dress, but i wont wear them. Haahaa, for CNY maybe..

I think that's about it.
Jun wants a new board game, but i think the luggage will be full of my stuffs:P
Who cares about that stinky JING JUN.
So i'm looking forward to see all my Korea gifts:D:D:D
Got to do my revision now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Two weeks of school have past. And all I could say was, it just sux. Haahaa.
Teacher had just changed our seating arrangement, so Jiayi is not sitting beside me anymore):
Aiya don't care larhs.
Had been feeling lethargic lately, but luckily I still have my friends supporting me.
I LOVE YOU JESLIN, AMANDA AND JINGYEE. (The name is not in any order;)
Thanks Jeslin for accompanying me to eat (you should since you are my lovely hubby).
Thx Amanda for always being there for me. Haha
And thanks Jingyee for cheering my up (cos I went to you blog and disturb you about AH PIAO~) :P
Make sure she doesn't read this. HAAHAA
So just had logarithms test, one word to describe it "fail".
The test is so difficult, wth, CY said it was from the tys, i can do the qns in it but not for the test.
Then just had El test today, and i don't think i will do well for it.
My format is all in a mess.
Sian, next week still have another eng test.
then the following week have SS and eng test again.
Aiya, students just have no life larhs

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally, one week of school have past.
This goes to show that time really flies..
Anyway, school was fine.
Hadn't really do much, probably is because school has just reopened and people are feeling lethargic.
We requested quite a number of break times especially during Bio lesson:x
And Ms.Lin's very nice, she agreed to let us have short breaks... :D:D:D
On Monday, was the first day of school, had a new time-table and it sux.
On tuesday and thursday, we had triple-science. On top it, we had both A and E-maths. Only a few subjects was NOT ON MATHS AND SCIENCE.
So it was practically a MATHS AND SCIENCE DAY FOR US!!!
That tells why we are lethargic on these two days.
And our bags are really heavy.
Wednesday is the best!:D
We only had eng, CDP and Cl?
So my bag is really light. hahaha

So on thursday, went to meet up with darling Amanda:D
She accompanied me to CP to have my lunch.
After eating, went back to Jeslin's house.
We chatted a lot and the FUN PART IS,
Her ah.piao.
hahahahaha, it was really fun.
I noticed that when I'm with them, i smiled a lot:D:D:D
So went home after that.

On friday, took height and weight.
I grew 2 cm, yay!;D
Finaly, i exceeded 160cm.
Quite pleased with my current height now.
My mass didn't increase a lot.
Only 39kg, grew fatter by 1 kilogram. But it's better than nothing.
So after school had choir.
For the non-tour members, we did the NDP songs and dance steps.
We'll be singing reach out for the skies.
The dance steps are not that difficult yet complicated.
I had problems coordinating. Haahaa, as expected from me.
So went home after that, thx Limin for sharing your umbrella with me and accompanying to the bus stop everytime. LOVE YOU TO THE MAX:D Haahaa

I don't know why, but I don't have the mood to study, i'm worried that I might lagged behind. Gotta start studying soon.
I don't think I'll do well for end-year, hopefull O'levels will be a better one. The marathon has started, yet i'm still brisk walking while others are sprinting towards the finishing line):

Anyway, had quite a lot of heart-to-heart talks with Amanda too.
And thanks Amanda for always supporting me when I needed help:D
Love you to the max<3

Hopfully; O'levels will pass by soon.
I just want to get it over and done with and end this hectic secondary school life and start poly life.
Have gave it a long thought. At first, I aimed to go to JC, but after seeing last year's batch of result, I gave up hope and wished to continue my education in poly.
It'll be much better as it'll not be as stressful as in JC. Anyway who knows what dangers might come in for the trackers. We just have to be prepared no matter what happens.

I shall end this long 'composition' here.

'A dancer's last wish is to continue her dancing path till the very end without quitting...'

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Everyone knows that.
School's reopening and I'm so not looking forward to it.
Homework's completed, but i'm not yet done from revision.
Nah, who cares. I'm not hitting my books anymore until school starts.
The past few days was fine, I guess.
Had been practicing a lot of questions on logarithms.
I guess, i had a better understanding of it already.

So two days ago, went to choir.
It was alright.

That's all, nothing more to post.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday have CRT with Mrs.Lim
She gave us a few questions, that's all.
After CRT, went to the general office to collect NRIC with Melody and Xing yu.
I look so weird in it.. I want a re-photoshoot.
Then went to meet up with Limin.
Walked to shop and save to eat.
Then walked back to school.
Before going for choir practise, went to accompany Limin to collect her NRIC
Then went home before going for the class gathering.
Class gathering was ok I guess.
Manage to bond with a few of my classmates:D
Then had the BBQ.
The food was great, especially the fish
That's all:D:D:D I think...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today is the 17th of June.
It's not a really good sign.
This mark the opening of school in a moments time.
Not exactly in a moment, but approximately in one week time.
So the hectic life of a student repeats itself. It will never stop till we graduate from university (it's different from one individual to another)
So, I have got to study soon, and of course finish all my assignments.
There will be a logarithm test when school reopens and I know nothing about it.
It's not that I wasn't paying attention when the teacher is down with her lecture.

Anyway, went to Melody's place today to complete the eng + ss assignment as well as the phy toy.
and congrats, job's done:D
I'm left with Chinese then, and it's half done.
Soon, i'll be able to start revision soon:D:D:D
It's really a piece of good news to me as I've been worried about my academic.
It really intrigued me to see that my grades have dropped drastically.
And I was appalled that I didn't make any improvements.
It was kind of disappointing, really.
But life still goes on, right...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Went out with Amanda, Jes and Jing yee yesterday.
Jing yee's mum finally allowed her to go out with us after much persuasion.
Everyone is in it.
Nice specs JESLIN! HAHA;D

Love this picture ttm:D


Jes, me and Jing yee

One family:D

So went to farrer park there to have lunch.
Only Amanda and I ate.
Jing and Jes ate liao.
So went to Burger King.
Lunch was really great. Yum yum.
But someone sms-ed me and spoiled it.
HAHA, Just kidding;D
After lunch, went to shop around and Amanda bought a dress.
It's really nice and it looked really good on her.
Then went to Hougang to accompany Jing yee and Jes to have a hair cut.
But before that,
went to one shop outside hougang mall and bought Some kind of sweet potato with spices?
I highly recommend that, it's really good.
So walk walk walk and reached the hairdresser.
Jes talked to the hairdresser about her hair.
But ultimately, only Jing yee went to cut her fringe. ITS NICE TOO!
Jes cut will GUAI GUAI de.
So her hair remains the same. Nothing much.

Then went back to compass.
Jing yee went home first.
Then, Amanda, Jes and I went to AMK.
Walked around, but there's nothing much then went to Kopitiam to have dinner.
Ordered hokkien mee
but in the end, they served one BIG PLATE OF BLACK NOODLES.
It's nice until we can sweat while we were eating.

Anyway, shall not elaborate much on that lovely plate of noodles.
Then took 88 back home.

So here I am blogging the next day:D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today's really a boring day..
Finished with the Nanking massacre assignment.
Spent many days on it.
Haahaa, down with one and left with four;P

went to Melody's place today to further discuss on the UAE project.
It's almost completed I think.
And luckily,
we are almost done with our physics toy making project.
YEAH! just that we are left with the write out..
So, generally, i left with that horrible book review and the transferring of my SS assignment onto the construction paper; I'll be done then..
Wakakakaka, then i can spend my remaining days of the holiday for revision.
Not neglecting my gan family of course.

Tomorrow will be an outing with my dearest gan family:D
You had better sleep early or I will hang a big fat pig head at you door TONIGHT!:D:D:D
So, will be meeting them at whitesands tomorrow at 11.
I think we'll be having lunch together outside and hopefully dinner.
Woo, i've loads of shopping to do tomorrow.
So sms me if you have anything to ask,
not redundant ones of course(directed to Smelly Jun:D).
I sense a great day ahead!
it's been a long time since we actually shopped together.

Afterward, i'm so reading 'The well' for my book review.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today's the 9th June.
Currently researching on a social studies assignment,
and i chose the topic Nanking massacre.
I have yet to finish that book and have problems compiling up all the informations.
I was interested in it that i went to the library to borrow a book on it.
Many thanks to Amanda, Jes and Jing yee for accompanying me to the library:D:D:D

Haahaa, so for the past few day,
went to meet up with my dearest family.
Chatted a lot.
we were suppose to tutor Jes on her maths,
but she woke up late and we all had to wait for her.
Then went to hougang and shop a while before i went to cut my hair..
=.=, great. Now i look like a weird mushroom
Haahaa, then went to buy some food and bus-ed back to compass to have our dinner.
So that's all.
will be meeting them again on the coming friday.
It would definitely be a fun day:D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who are we are we are we,
16 16 SLC!!! ;D

Oh my gosh,
I really love SLC ttm!
Had so much fun during the four days in hwa chong institution.
Although I didn't really actively participate much in it,
but I met many nice friends there.
So we did many discussions but I just kept quiet through out,
but anyway,
the grand finale was great.
Everyone was so hype out including me?
Anyway, I was not as enthusiastic as them.
Haahaa, but everything has come to an end.
I'll certainly miss all of them):
Hope we can still stay in touch with one another:D

Friday, May 28, 2010

Holidays liao...
I've many words to describe it,
but generally, there's to look forward to.
It's just another typical "working month" .
All the assignments and homework are killing me.
I mean,
who doesn't...
Anyway, had to study for a logarithm test
and i don't understand that topic.
Had to buck up liao,
end-year is coming and so is O'levels.
So no more TVs, no more computers, no more going out(if I can even resist myself).
No more slacking(that happens most of the times).

Aiya, who cares.
Anyway, will be busy for the first week of the holiday.
Second week is for going out and doing project.
Third and fourth week is for all my assignments and finally the fourth week is for revision,
I doubt there's enough time.
but life still goes on...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today, the 25 May 2010..
School as per usual,
have loads of homework especially for A and E-maths.
And, teachers started giving out all the holiday assignments.
Had SS, Phy assignment, not excluding eng.
Also e-maths homeworks.
AND, worst of all,
CRT during the holidays!!!
Had, Phy, A-maths and e-maths CRT!
A holiday isn't a holiday at all...
Kay, enough of crapping.
Will prepare to chiong all my homework and assignments during the first two weeks of the holidays, the third and last week will be for revision.
Shall go all out during the holidays..
hopefully, i can score well for my end-year examinations.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today is the 22nd of May.
It's another boring day at home, but I shall engulf myself in something..

yesterday was vistarian road run.
So, we ran 2010m as this year was year 2010.
As per usual, i walked for the whole journey.
Walked with Limin.
And chatted a lot..
just chat about the usual stuffs-exams!
Then after the whole event.
When to find my dear Jeslin and went to compass for lunch.
After eating, went to Jes's house to wait until the time on the watch reaches 12.30pm
Waited and waited, and finally, it's 12.30
Went to find Jing yee and went to Jing yee's house.
Was suppose to meet up with Amanda but she has CCA.
So chatted till 4 then I went back first..

Then at 7.30, went to dunno where to have a family dinner.
As per usual, ate then went home.
SO, generally, had another boring day..


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

took some pictures with my family:D:D:D
That happened 2 days ago?
when we met up

Amanda, Jing yee and I
Look at Jing yee, haahaa, nice pose!

Jeslin, me and Jing yee.
At that time we took, there was one guy doing something funny.

Jeslin, me and Amanda.
Look at Jeslin. HEEHEE

Me, Jeslin and Jing yee

And lastly, is this picture.
I look weird in it but it's nice though.
At least i get to take pictures with my BEST BEST friends^^
They are one of the most important people in my life..
And, we are ONE BIG FAMILY:D

have gotten back some of the results already.
Didn't do really well.

For chem and Bio, i scored 74.
One more mark to A1!!!!

For phy,
I scored 51. It was really unexpected as I think that I wouldn't pass.
well, at least I did

For a-maths,
I scored 70/100. I was really disappointed in myself.

For e-maths,
I guess i didn't do really well either.
Paper 1, I only scored 39/60.
for Paper 2, I only scored 48/60

Didn't do well for Cl but scored only 58.

But for SS,
I was really take aback.
I actual scored26/30..
That made me speechless...

So, that's about it,
will be getting back eng and geo tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I think I wont be too happy after that.
Have a feeling that I wont do well.

Gonna chiong all my work from next week onwards
although I know I wont be able to do it!!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finally changed that damn blogskin.
I spent a long time on that,
so i think i won't bother about it anymore.
today was generally a fun day?
Went out with my Lao gong
so we went to a few places..
Aiya, i just skip the middle portions.
So after that,
we went to our Nu er house for a visit.
Was suppose to check on her to ensure that she's studying.
And she really is.
And in the end,
we chatted all the way.
Jing yee Nu er,
Jiayous for your exams ar..

But I was really tired today because of
He left his huge hourglass filled with water near his bed.
Then he accidentally hit it and it flew right down onto my face.
It really hurts!!!
Furthermore, it's during in the middle of the night.
So I was deprived of my sleep
I'll have my revenge someday.

So left Nu er's house and went home.

And Jeslin,
Don't worry too much on the blog thingy.
Everything will be resolve soon kay.
Wish to see you smile more.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Exams are finally over.
Today had Bio paper and all I can say was...
Say bye to my A1.
Made a lot of careless mistakes today,
especially with the lock and key hypothesis.
Anyway, say bye to pure Bio and say hi to SLEEP!

Anyway, after maths olympiad
went to Jes house and met up with Amanda and Jing yee.
Went to mac.
Then went back to Jes house.
Chatted a lot with them.
Haahaa, had so much fun
hope to see them soon during the holidays.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today is the 24 April 2010.
Yesterday was speech day.
And apparently,
all performing arts group have to perform.
And of course,
being a choir member,
I have to perform.
So went to school at 3 with Wendy and Esther:D
And we were late.
Not a lot though.
went to collect the costumes.
So we changed and did our make-up before making our way to the hall for a rehearsal.
After rehearsing,
went back to the choir room to rehearse with Mr.Liew.
It was a scary experience?
I don't know, but I was really nervous.
But everything went well.
So, performed at about 7+
So after that,
we had a farewell party for the seniors.
And their songs were very touching.
So it was an enjoyable experience after all.

Then bus-ed to e-hub to meet up with the prefects and some others
Plan to watch a movie,
but I was too tired so I went back first.

Then of course,
being very tired,
I called it a day?
Sorry, wrong usage of English words.
But at least you understand(:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Today is the 18th of April.
And I'm currently studying for my Bio test.
There's a chunk of useless info?
For me to memorize?
I hate this hectic life.
When can I officially enjoy a day tranquility?
I think that day will come only when I leave this horrible world.
I'm finally done with CDP.
But as a result,
I do not have time to revise for my Bio and A-maths test.
And furthermore,
there's even speech day rehearsal next week.
This just sux.
I know that I will definitely fail my Bio and a-maths test.
that's why i'm blogging right now.


Ok, i'm complaining too much,
back to my studies):

Thursday, April 15, 2010

15 April 2010..

This is the worst week I ever have.
I failed my physics test.
I only scored 15/40 and came in no. 41 in class out of 44 people.
Then next,
had a backbone screening,
and the results didn't turn out that well.
I guess I had to go to a clinic soon for further check-up.
Then had prefects' meeting,
and the whole meeting ended late.
And by the time I got home,
it was already 7.45pm
and so,
as a result,
I did not have sufficient time to study for my e-maths and chinese test.
And the test was really difficult..
so i guess i would be failing Chinese and e-maths again.
gotten back SS test,
and I just passed.
But i was really disappointed.
I studied really hard for it):
So conclusion: I hate my sec 3 life.
It's too tough for me to handle.
Next week there will be speech day rehearsals and A-maths test.
And I bet it would be a horrible one..
You know what..
Life just sux.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just came back home?
I would say, today was definitely a great day.
After school, had Napfa test and all I could say was, it sux.
So here are my results:

Sit and reach: 40cm (B)
Standing broad jump: 162cm (C)
Shuttle run: 11.5s (B?)
Sit-ups: 35 (A)
Incline pull up: 10 (C)
2.4km run: 16.29 (D) =.=

So generally,
the results are fine.
Except that my 2.4 km run was very lousy.
That's the first time I ever get a D for my runs..
There was an improvement in standing broad jump and sit-ups.
And I'm really happy about my standing broad jump results.
Hope to do better next year.. I guess.

So after napfa test, bus-ed to compass to meet up with my gan family.
On my gosh,
I really miss them.
Hope we can meet up more often in the future.
So, we chatted a lot of stuffs about school.
And the best part is,
we are deciding to hold a sleepover during the June holidays.
I'm really looking forward to the holidays.
See them soon :D

That's all folks,
shall blog soon about my miserable yet colorful life?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I've not post for a long time?
Well, not exactly long I guess.
Maybe 1 week or so?
had speech day rehearsals today,
and frankly speaking,
i think the choir did not perform up to all the seniors expectation.
so we perform for 2 rounds
then it's home sweet home.
But before that,
went to the prefect's room with cherlyn(?)
Sorry, i don't really know how to spell your name :x
Then walked to the bus-stop with the other prefects..
And Bus-ed back home..
So generally, everything was fine today..
WAIT! Something is not right.
It should be "No! Nothing is right today"
Had chem quiz and physic test today..
Chem quiz was a disaster, but i think i'm going to pass it.
For Physic, that's totally terrible.
One word to describe it..
If i'm able to pass that test,
that would already be a miracle..
If i can get A1 for it,
I swear that I won't disturb Jing jun?
what kind of thing is that?
Anyway, that's all about it.
Bye People :D:D:D

Friday, April 2, 2010

was Jing's birthday.
And of course there was a spread of good food on the table.
There was KFC chicken and sushi.
I think I ate a little too much;D
But it has been a long time since we ate together.
Anyway after the meal, we cut the cake.
And guess what..
The cake was a Chocolate cake.
And the 'good' thing is,
I hate chocolate.
But there's nothing I can do.
Jing Love choco.
Anyway, here's wishing him a happie wonderful birthday.
hope his wish comes true in clearing his pimples..
better not let him read this :x
Got to study soon):
Chem test coming soon,
Phy test too.
I still have eng test..
What a stressful year.
But next year would be not as good as this year.
O'levels coming liao.
Must chiong my work..
And you know what..
O'levels is just next year.
time really flies..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's already thursday and approximately 3 more weeks to exams.
And I am currently seating here..
I really don't have the mood to study at all.
I think being here and studying here make me feel more stressed out.
The subjects we take,
All the tests, homework and exams
just came in all in one shot..
Why students just can't have some free time?
Anyway, I had just planned for myself an exam timetable.
and according to it, I will start studying this saturday.
But I don't want to study anymore):
Haiz.. anyway,
was spamming Min Zhao yesterday and wow I found out that he like Xian Jun?
Haahaa, we were just crapping..
And yesterday was the prefect's investiture
and it turned out to be really great;D
Our efforts have really paid off.
Everything went out perfectly fine and I've been promoted to Vice-assistant of General Affairs
And of course there are others too.
I'm really grateful to have this chance of being part of the executive committee.
I will strive hard and do my best..
But at the same time, I must be more sociable..
And i really hope I can do that soon..
Anyway, had to wear that blazer and I was sweating like hell..
Haha, and wearing that shoes causes my leg to have blisters at that back..
And is not only on one leg, is one both legs.
And the worse part is,
the skin of my leg was peeled off, thus exposing the live cells
making my leg really painful.
That was the reason why I walked like a duck today.
But, i really enjoyed myself..
But that would be the last investiture):

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's a SUNDAY!!!
Just came back from E-hub.
So generally, I had a wonderful day today.
Was having a really boring day at home.
So mum,
decide to bring us to a movie..
All of us were like,
Why do we have to go for a movie when we are so busy
the movie are for kids, but we were wrong.
we went to watch How to train a dragon.
And that movie is great, I have no regrets watching it.
Anyway, the whole movie was about dragons?
And, the Night fury dragon called toothless was extremely cute.
And the whole movie was kind of funny although I'm the only one laughing ;x
SO that's about it(:
You should watch that movie.
Its really great.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just came back.
And all I can was,
I am very tired..
Did many stars today.
About 36 to 38 I guess.
The other 3 was being spoil by that Ryan Liew.
at least he tried..
So, after making tons of stars,
we went home,
and here I am blogging again..
Sian lar,
later must go out again.
See whether i can reason out with someone to let me stay
Bye that's all folks

I am feeling better now,
after spending the whole day in school.
It really was an enjoyable one..
I hope we could have more of such stuffs again..
It really helps to relieve stress~
It's another boring Saturday..
And all I can say was,
people kept ignoring me..
I hate all those people.
Who do you think I am?
Your teddy bear?
Definitely not!
All i can say was,
I'm not your puppet and neither are you mine.
I don't think i'm gonna be online until another day when i feel like it.
Have been busy these few days and I don't feel like doing anything at all.
Anyway, I had a quarrel with my bro,
I'll never forgive him.
I want him to disappear from my horrible life..
Why I don't want to die??
Probably I don't have the guts to do it..
I hate all of you.
I'll never trust anyone again including you.
All of you are cheaters
and i despise people like you.
You all sux like hell..
When the day comes to say goodbye,
It would be the day where i end all my miseries.
Everything will come to an end,
but mine will end slightly earlier..
I don't want to live anymore,
there's nothing to it.
It's meaningless...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh My Gosh!!!
I have a horrible week in school..
I can't seem to catch up with my school work.
My physics is in a horrible mess.
I don't even know what is Mrs.Chng saying..
Don't know what about turning effect of forces..
A full of crap.. Haha, partly because i don't undertand..
Then for chemistry,
I also don't understand what is Ms.Lee saying..
Same for Biology..
Haiyo, sec 3 life really sux..
Its so tiring and energy consuming..
You know why??
Cos i stay back almost everyday to settle some stuffs.
After that, when i have reached home, its already very late..
And when i want to start studying, its already 8+
So of course,
being a studious person,
i studied until about 12+
then the next day..........
I have no energy to focus in work...
sometimes, i would doze off to my own dreamland..
must buck liao, OR ELSE i'll fall behind


Oh yar,
and thanks
and Jing yee
for your advise.. ;D;D;D

Monday, March 22, 2010



I feel like plucking all my hair out of me head..

Why am I such a TIMID PERSON??


I hate myself..

I hate myself for not having enough courage..

I hate myself for not being like others!!!

I feel like giving up my position to someone else who can do better than me..

To someone who can accomplish greater things..

But can I??

I wouldn't want to..


Help me please..

Help me get out of this misery..

My life is meaningless,

It is full of misery...

and nothing else...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's the last day of holiday.
In another few hours time,
it would be time for bed.
And after being in a slumber for about 6-7 hours,
It would be a dark morning...
In silent gloomy morning,
The sound of ringing alarm clocks ringing in different household,
signaling a new day for students.
Sleepy students would dread the arrival for that of them is me :x
Still in bed,
and wishing
still wishing that it would still be a holiday...
Searching for the aroma of warm milo that their mum has made..
The spell of burnt toast waiting for them to savor it...
and slowly...
Still dreaming...

"Hey WAKE UP!"

Hearing the familiar voice of their own mum..
They woke in that instant.
They finally dragged themselves away from the warm bed
and went to prepare for the day

Hey hey hey..
aren't i suppose to be revising my work...
i gotta start revising to catch up with what i have missed.
Anyway where was i??
Oh yah..

After having their scrumptious breakfast,
the student would grab their stuffs and be on their way to school.
In school, many things could happen.
Then scolding, the nagging of caring teachers..
The laughter and excitement of their long-lost friends.
Ok, i'm exaggerating..
that's the fact.. Hehe

The reveal of tests result which causes much anxiety in students..


"Hey, there goes the school bell.."

Upon hearing the 'soothing' ringing sound of the bell,
the students immediately rushed to a place called "canteen"
After having a short break and filling their grumbling tummy..
They made their way back to the boring classrooms...

And soon,
it was the end of school..

Students, filling the bus-stops,
waving for the buses..
And soon, they had reached their destination called home..

Having done their homework,
they fall straight into their warm cuddly bed
prepare for the next day..
And of course,
the whole process repeats itself..


But that's about it ;D;D;D

I hope everyone can lead a happy life..
A life that belongs to them,
a life for them to cherished
a life for them to enjoy
for them to work hard and achieve their best.
For them to make the best out of it..
For them to fufill one's wishes..
For them to have no regrets,
most importantly,
for them to be happy....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I so love this pic..
Is taken by me but edited by Jing jun =.=
Haha, anyway
my face looks like it has been hit by something..
Love this pic! Hehe

Anyway, school's starting soon
and i kind of looking forward to it..
What's called a holiday doesn't seems to be one at all..
We have been rotting at home doing homework
and doing nothing except studying
you call this a holiday??
I don't think so..
preparing for tests until i'm going mad!!!
Social studies
Social studies is the worse,
have a whole chunk of things to memorize
at the end of the day
most of the things are not going to be tested..
So what's the point of memorizing the other stuffs that are not going to be


Just change my blogskin..
I'm kind of please with it.
But, i had spent a long time doing it and have yet to touch on my books yet..
must study liao..
so sian. zZz

And that shit jingjun
kept on disturbing me...
That fatty guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that fatty man!!!!!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Had a really fun day today.
Jeslin, Jing yee and Amanda came to my house..
We plan to study and revise together.
And we had a hell lot of fun.
Haha, chat about many things..
Ok, it's not gossiping.. haha, we never did that although we did..
Haha, anyway, was trying to memorize some phy defination.
ahem *clearing throat*.....
Gravitational field strength is defined as the gravitational force acting per unit mass on an object.
Wee, i can finally get it into my head.. haha
The next definition is..
Mass is the amount of matter in a body
And the next one:
Inertia of an object refers to the reluctance of the object to change its state of rest or motion..
I'm not very good at inertia yet..
Ok and the last definition is:
Density is of an object defined as the mass of the object per unit volume..
Haha, luckily my friends came OVER TODAY, i really missed them..
Hope to see them soon ;D;D;D


Haha.. Went to do project with Melody, Xing yu and Jing yun.

So on the way back, Melody and I took some pictures..

Hehe, i'm the one in white, And the one in black is Melody..

Anyway, i guess our project will be completed soon ;P

And of course not forgetting my FAMILY!!! HAHAHA

The one in the middle is my nu er Jing yee

OMG, Jing yee ILY!! Haha

Then the one the right is Jeslin, that's my LAOGONG!!!

Jes, ILY too.. ;D

And i'm the one on the left.. Hehe..

There's still my other nu er Amanda.. wait till I find of picture of her.. Hehe

And my another nu er Limin.. Haha

Will upload the pics soon... ;D;D;D;D

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ok. I'm going to make a quick post on my horrible life at home..
I've to study for my social studies test and i don't have the mood to do so..
So anyway, i'm kind of rotting at home doing useless stuffs that are not going to benefit me in any way. One very good example is blogging.
So, after social studies, i have to revise for my phy test on monday followed by geo test on friday and finally maths test on the following thurs..

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today is approximately the 3rd day of holiday..
And it's really bored to stay at home and do homework and projects.
Went to school on monday and tuesday for CCA and rehearsals.
It was not productive at all i guess.. Many people didn't turn up..
Hope it would be a fruitful one on Monday.
So today, i would be doing projects with my friends in compass
I hope we could finish it by today.
Oh my gosh, i still have loads of things to do..
Hmph..I must really have rush through my work or else i won't be able to complete it..
And the worse thing is..
We still have Maths online quiz..
And both A and E-maths will have a quiz
And you know what?!?!
It quiz comprises of 50 QUESTION!!
I'm so going to die..
I just completed my a-maths quiz and have gotten a lot of mistakes..
So, i have to re-attempt the wrong questions..
I really hope i can score full marks for my quizzes..
I still have to do 50 QUESTIONS of the e-maths quiz..
I rather not have a holiday.
At least we do not have so many things to do..

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's the HOLIDAY!!
And my homework is not even half done. ):
Anyway, will be fetching mum later from the airport.
YES! this means junk food later!!
It's been a long time since we have been to a fast food restaurant..
I really miss my mum..
She has been away for three long weeks.
She went to Indonesia and left us here in HOT Singapore..
Haaahaa, Singapore has been really hot this few days and I can't take the heat.
Anyway where was I...
Oh yar, fetching mum..
So i have not since her for the past three weeks..
And of course i have been struggling with my homework..
Sometimes she would help me out in my homework a little especially IN MATHS!
So finally,
I have someone to turn to when i needed help im my homework..
Will be leaving the house in another 50 min or so..

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's the holiday, but i'm definitely not going to enjoy it ):
It's because i have loads of homework waiting for me to complete it.
It has already form a mountain on my study table.
And I, being a lazy student, is not willing to complete it!!!
And furthermore, i've many things to settle for the PI..
Haiz, i guess it won't be an enjoyable holiday for me..
But nevertheless, i'm still a HAPPY STUDENT. SMILE;D
Ok, so this is what i plan to do:
Doing all my Maths homework today..
Tomorrow would be Maths and Chem..
By sunday, i hope to finish all my science homework if that is even possible.. I hope that is.
Then on monday, i'll be having choir, then when i get home, i'll do Bio and phy?
Then following day will be a busy day for me, so i'll only complete SS article review.
and so on and so forth..
That's all..
Of course i have projects.
But who cares.. haha
Will be contacting Melody and Xing yu soon-regarding the project =.=
Sian larhs
Sian larhs
Sian larhs
That's all folks, Bye
Oh wait wait..
Before i sign off,
I have a peice of good news to share to myself ;D
And the good news is...
I scored 35/40
But most of the people taking Bio scored more than 30
So that's not a really good score after all..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's been a long time since i last post, which is three days ago i think...
Haha, anyway school's fine, but i've been a little busy lately.
So had sports day yesterday, it was fun yet boring..
Haha, chatted a lot with Limin, Jeslin and Jasmine..
We were suppose to sit with all the veritas people but due to the lack of space we had to sit with all the integ people. There's where we met Limin..
Ok, i shall skip the interesting part-the raining portion..
then after sports day had ended, bus-ed back with lao gong jeslin...We were dead tired and slept in the bus..
Ok, then Jes got down the bus and i continue my journey back home sleeping =.=
Wah, i almost miss the stop to my home.
Luckily, someone sms-ed me and i woke up.
Then studied for tests and Nites..

When i woke up in the morning, I had a shock..
My eyes were red..
Probably due to the lack of sleep..
Arrgh, i need more sleeping time..
Anyway, took the tests and i think i'm going to fail the paper. =.=
Chinese was quite tough and e-maths is DIFFICULT!!!

Ok i shall end here, lazy to post anything liao..

BuBbye ;D

Monday, March 8, 2010

Only one word:
I DETEST e-learning!!
You know why?
Today, the physic teacher gave the whole class another chance to re-attempt the quiz.
I don't know what happen to me but i click on the wrong ans and in the end, i fail the quiz really badly!!!
I only scored 2/15 for that quiz!!
arrgh, i'm definitely going to get thrashed by Mrs.Chng tomorrow..
I should have check my ans, but there was limited time left..
So, i failed.
Oh my gosh, I'm feeling depressed.
But what can i do? The quiz is already over.
So i shall not bother about it and continue to work hard...

although it's affecting me now!

What a waste.. Given a chance but not using it wisely..


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The poem..

Hey Hey Hey,
the second post of the day..
Was viewing my brother's blog and read this weird but interesting poem of his.
And so, i decided to blog.
His poem was about his wonderful Friday.
That poem really make sense and I kind of like that poem
So here it is...

''Un" Portrait Poem
In The Day
Known As Friday
Was Indeed Splendid
But Horrid

Having Classes
That Needed Glasses
The Knowledge That Enter
Will Last Forever

Lessons Were Tiring
But I Am Trying
To Gain And Pay
The Knowledge And Pain

The Same Two Friends
''Pro'' Active And ''Lame''
I Think I Need A Res
tAnd Drink Some Sugar Cane

We Head To Central
With Shoes And Not Sandals
Walking Round And Round
On The Stone Hard Ground

They Pull My ''Tie''
To Feel Damn ''High''
And Did Not Compensate
For The Trouble That They Create

I Bought Some Waffles
And A Kick-A-Poo
When A Fly Flew In
I Felt So ''Eww"

Some Took Pictures
And Some Took Videos
They Done It So Secrectly
Who Will Know?

We Walked Back To School
And Stop At SPCI Buy My Tibits
And Others Bought Tea
At A Round Table

Where A Machine Becomes
A Little Maid Feeder
But That Is Not What It Sounds
The Machine Ate The Tibits

Two Girls Laugh
I Don't What Has Happened
But They Have Been Bluffed

Changing To P.E
To Ensure That Its Save
Because Without A Tie
Its Never A Waste

Going C.C.A
Where The Coach is Back
He Was Fierce And Strong
That No One Dares To Brag

The Tiring Serves
The Awful Runs
Makes Me So Pale
But It Is Quite Fun

After All The Pain
The Skills That I Gain
Makes Me So Hungry
That I Might Just Faint

Walking Down The Stairs
Feeling Quite Despair
Noticing Two Figures
That Gives Me The Giggles

There's still more to that poem.
To view that complete poem,
Please view my brother's blog.
You can find his link at "LINKS"

Friday, March 5, 2010


WOW! 3 posts in one day..
Anyway.. Finally i've finish my Social studies homework..
Left we geography and Biology..
And i'm gonna complete those weird quizzes tomorrow..
Anyway thx Jing yee and Jeslin for cheering me up when i'm feeling down.
I guess i've been too hard on myself..
Well, who cares..
BTW, has anyone hear "Kiss the rain" by Yiruma?
That piece of music is really great, you won't regret hearing it..
I plan to use it..If you ask me where and when, i'm not going to tell you..
Its a secret, wait till the time comes and you'll know what the song is going to use for..
It's really nice isn't it..
But using this piece of music..I guess this song is too touching..I need a cheerful one..
Any recommendation anyone? If there is, please contact me as soon as possible.
But i bet no one will even read this post..HAH!
Anyway, i've done with SS for part one and two
I guess i've to keep working hard..
Although i've cheer slightly more, I still HATE MY LIFE!
Don't ask me why. I just hate it..
Actually the things we are studying now won't be of much help to us in the future..
So there's actually no point in studying them.
I mean, if you have that ability to do well, you don't have to study most of the subjects-eg Geo
But what's the point.
Is that going to change anything?
But we must be thankful that we are able to get a high education..
be thankful
Many thanks...

I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do i hate e-learning day? Because it sux..
The quizzes are all so difficult and i feel really pressurize.
Why is there a time limit to everything??
Is it really fun? Giving students only a short time to complete the quiz?!?!?!
Anyway, i didn't fare very well for my quiz especially CHINESE!!!!
My Chinese really CMI larhs!!!
I've gotten only 8/20.
How is that possible??!!?!?
Any Physics quiz got only 11/15
What the heck..
And Geography.. I thought that was my best subject, but it proved me wrong, very wrong.
I only got 10/15 for that damn quiz.. Damn it!!!
I totally not looking forward to the next e-learning.
There's also SS homework now!!
If we go to school instead, we might not have to do many Homework..
Damn it!! This is torturous.
I'm not sure whether i can improve in my Chinese, but thanks Jeslin for agreeing to teach me During the march hols..
I just hate i larhs..
I think i'm gonna get lashed by my teachers on monday; for scoring lousy results when this is meant to help me pass my CA
I've no choice but to do extremely well during the end-year exams!!!
But who wants to be last in class..
I was 27 in position last year, i don't wish to drop to 28 or more... I want to be top 15 in the whole school, and finally be the top scorer during the O'levels AND BEAT THE REST!!
But judging by my results now, i can't make it! It's impossible!
And for my Chinese Quiz, i admit i have gotten some help, BUT THAT PERSON GAVE ME ALL THE WRONG ANS!
What's the meaning of that, while those qns i did myself is correct!
What's the meaning of this!
I hate it!!!


E-learning day.

there's NO SCHOOL!!! Muahahahaha....
That's the good thing-no school
There'll be a lot of tests when school reopens.
Sian lah,
Have e-maths, Chinese and SS tests..
And i am so not looking forward to SS, there's many things to remeber, i wonder will i be able to remeber a whole chunk of information..
I hope so, but i think not.
Anyway, i've just completed SS and Maths assignment..
Next is Chem, and i'm really very nervous about it especially when i Sux at it..
After Chem would be a long break i think, then it will be Eng, MT, physics and lastly E-geo.
Woohoo, Bio would be tomorrow, that's great..

OK, i've got to plan a timetable for my studying plans over the weekends..
Today, i'll revise Chinese, And SS(part 1 only)
Tomorrow, i'll do CL and SS(Part 2 only)
The day after tomorrow, which is a sunday, I'll do E-maths And SS(part 3 only)
Then on Mon, i'm gonna do Chinese again and SS(part 4 only)
Then on Tues, i'm going to do e-maths and SS(FINALLY, THE LAST PART!!)
Hopefully, i'm able to finish revising :D:D:D
But nevertheless, i'm still nervous about the E-maths test, i'm really afraid that i'll fail this coming test as it is about graphs.. And.. I HATE IT!!
For SS it's the same, i also HATE IT!!
There's a whole chunk of information to memorise!!
For, Chinese, i'm equally nervous but i hope for the best..

BTW, i've already change the songs in my blog.
And i LOVE this particulsr piece-Kiss the rain, by Yiruma
You should listen to that soothing piece of MUSIC.
ITs GREAT i tell you ITs GREAT,
you won't regret after listening to it.. HAHAHAHA

Haiz, Just completed chem quiz.
Its so difficult.
We only have 10 mins to complete it and have 10 QNS!!!
So one qns is one minute.
When i saw the quiz, i was stunned..
I was like, "OH MY GOSH! What's this?!?!?!"

Thursday, March 4, 2010


today is another boring thursday.
Just finished all my tests for this week.
The following week, i'm really packed.
I've E-maths, S.S and Chinese test..
Anyway, two days ago..
we went to BODY WORLD!!!
Oh my gosh!!! It's really interesting. There are many schools there too.
I'm wondering how did they preserve those body..
But nevertheless, i really like that trip.
When we are in the bus going to Science centre, something funny happen in the bus.
Two guys(i shall not say the name) slept on each other's shoulders.
And the whole class was laughing at the both of them and taking pictures, but they are still sleeping.. HAHA!!!
Then on the way back, crap a lot with Min zhao, Young ern and Xing yu..
Haha, Min zhao was really funny, Kind of bhb though, haha..
And that sek kun was observing us or something and he kept on saying things that really pissed me off today..
Haiz, why am i so unlucky to be in the same class as him..
Anyway, tomorrow is e-learning day, so NO SCHOOL!!! MUAhahahha.
What an evil laugh i have..
Anyway, i can't wait to the march holidays arrive, might be busy with prefect's stuff..

I think i have to cool down a little, I'm too stress over my studies.
But what choice do i have, Who asked me to choose to go e1.
Its great to be in sec 1. I should have enjoy my childhood days...

Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm really bored today, especially on a sunday ir saturday morning.
Had to practise A-maths questions for the test next week..
I must really do well in that quiz as i have already score two zeros for my quiz.
Afterwards, I have to revise for my Bio test.
Haiz.. so many things to do.
I still have to revise for my chinese and geo test..
So many tests..
I wonder if i'll go bonkers even before O'levels the following year.
I think i've got to pace down a little.
It's only the starting of the year, and i felt really stressed out..
How am i going to cope for next year. I really wonder..
I hope i'll do well for all my tests and exams even if it cost me my precious sleeping time..

That's all people, Bye

Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm traumatised!!

Did commanding duty today and i kind of screwed it..
First, I said the pledge a little too slow.
Then there's a bit of slang half way through..
That's not the main thing yet..
The main thing is, the students are able to tell that i'm really nervous just but hearing my voice..
Then after the whole thing is over, I'm suppose to wait for the announcement people to do their stuffs befor making my way down with them..
I didn't know that, and i descend down on my own..
How embarrasing.
Luckily, for me, my classmates are not able to tell who is that retarded idiot who did the commanding(which is me)..
After a few words of encouragement from Ms Lin; i still think i can do better..
Oh great..
Luckily, no one really notice except for a few of my classmates. Haha.
One was encouraging me and the other was making fun of me.. :(

Anyway, after school had choir as per usual.
Did all the usual stuffs..
Ate at the KOPITIAM with Jasmine and Limin.
I was like, "huh, Kopitiam again, eat until sian liao"
But nevertheless, we still eat there..
Had nasi lemak WITHOUT fried chicken..
SO NEXT WEEK, i thereby declare THAT WE ARE EATING at a FASTFOOD outlet!!
HAHA, poor Limin..
Then bought bubble tea..
And return to school drinking on the way..

Then had choir practise.
Was feeling really tired,
Don't ask me why but i just don't feel like doing anything..
But still sang
After choir had ended went home with Limin,
I think LIMIN AND I got CON by a conman.
He said that he wanted to go Sengkang,
so limin and i gave him $2.
He said that the amount of money we gave him is not enough.
Then as Limin and I went to dig another $0.50 or so,
he took out a packet of cigarette.
And we both were like... "what the heck!! No $ still can have cigarettes"
But we still gave him the Money and regret it a lot..
Maybe we have accused him but i don't have a choice..
So i'm sorry if i've wronged you.. xP
But i still have to blog about the CONMAN!!!

Hahaha, Maybe because of this, i'm kind of hyper now