Wednesday, December 8, 2010

8th December 2010
I'm back!!!:D Well, i'm initially back already. Hehe.
On the 2nd of Dec, went out with family and my uncles's family.
Well, we are all relatives(needless to say). LOL.
So, went to the Singapore flyers with them.
Uncle has free tickets to it:D
The ride wasn't that long, it's definitely less than 30mins.
So, took a few pictures.
Oh come on, who can resist the temptation of the excellent night view, though most of the scenery were practically all buildings(a sarcastic way of saying). But, it's still NICE~:D
That's me and my bro:D

My dad and I:D I look exactly like him huh.. Hehe.

My dad and Bro:D

My own PicD: When did i even take that. Lol. That's him again!! Argh!!
So, that's all.
that's my youngest bro, didn't manage to take a picture with him)):

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