Saturday, July 24, 2010

Haiz, this week is kind of a bad week for me.
Firstly, my message explode liao, i think i have already exceeded the limit of 1000 sms per month.
Come on, 1000 is to0 little;x Haahaa.
So monday's fine.
Secondly, my msn tio virus.
I hope my com doesn't crash and it won't affect anything especially the computer itself and FACEBOOK!
Tuesday too, my bag is really heavy.
Wed is ok. It's racial harmony day, had a whole full of activities but had e-maths CRT after that.
Thurs is ok too. Had choir with Mr.Liew after that and it was great though i was a little appalled.
Friday's the BEST! ;D
Had Bio practical, and we did the disection of the sheep's heart.
It was really disgusting at first but it was okay after that and we all HAD A GREAT TIME AFTER THAT!
To disect the sheep heart; requires a lot of energy. The heart is made up of very strong muscles so that explains it.


Anyway, here's the picture of the sheep's heart!
Cool isn't it. Haahaa
It was taken by one of classmates;P

That's all folks.

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