Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm really bored today, especially on a sunday ir saturday morning.
Had to practise A-maths questions for the test next week..
I must really do well in that quiz as i have already score two zeros for my quiz.
Afterwards, I have to revise for my Bio test.
Haiz.. so many things to do.
I still have to revise for my chinese and geo test..
So many tests..
I wonder if i'll go bonkers even before O'levels the following year.
I think i've got to pace down a little.
It's only the starting of the year, and i felt really stressed out..
How am i going to cope for next year. I really wonder..
I hope i'll do well for all my tests and exams even if it cost me my precious sleeping time..

That's all people, Bye

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