Friday, March 5, 2010

E-learning day.

there's NO SCHOOL!!! Muahahahaha....
That's the good thing-no school
There'll be a lot of tests when school reopens.
Sian lah,
Have e-maths, Chinese and SS tests..
And i am so not looking forward to SS, there's many things to remeber, i wonder will i be able to remeber a whole chunk of information..
I hope so, but i think not.
Anyway, i've just completed SS and Maths assignment..
Next is Chem, and i'm really very nervous about it especially when i Sux at it..
After Chem would be a long break i think, then it will be Eng, MT, physics and lastly E-geo.
Woohoo, Bio would be tomorrow, that's great..

OK, i've got to plan a timetable for my studying plans over the weekends..
Today, i'll revise Chinese, And SS(part 1 only)
Tomorrow, i'll do CL and SS(Part 2 only)
The day after tomorrow, which is a sunday, I'll do E-maths And SS(part 3 only)
Then on Mon, i'm gonna do Chinese again and SS(part 4 only)
Then on Tues, i'm going to do e-maths and SS(FINALLY, THE LAST PART!!)
Hopefully, i'm able to finish revising :D:D:D
But nevertheless, i'm still nervous about the E-maths test, i'm really afraid that i'll fail this coming test as it is about graphs.. And.. I HATE IT!!
For SS it's the same, i also HATE IT!!
There's a whole chunk of information to memorise!!
For, Chinese, i'm equally nervous but i hope for the best..

BTW, i've already change the songs in my blog.
And i LOVE this particulsr piece-Kiss the rain, by Yiruma
You should listen to that soothing piece of MUSIC.
ITs GREAT i tell you ITs GREAT,
you won't regret after listening to it.. HAHAHAHA

Haiz, Just completed chem quiz.
Its so difficult.
We only have 10 mins to complete it and have 10 QNS!!!
So one qns is one minute.
When i saw the quiz, i was stunned..
I was like, "OH MY GOSH! What's this?!?!?!"

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