Friday, March 5, 2010


WOW! 3 posts in one day..
Anyway.. Finally i've finish my Social studies homework..
Left we geography and Biology..
And i'm gonna complete those weird quizzes tomorrow..
Anyway thx Jing yee and Jeslin for cheering me up when i'm feeling down.
I guess i've been too hard on myself..
Well, who cares..
BTW, has anyone hear "Kiss the rain" by Yiruma?
That piece of music is really great, you won't regret hearing it..
I plan to use it..If you ask me where and when, i'm not going to tell you..
Its a secret, wait till the time comes and you'll know what the song is going to use for..
It's really nice isn't it..
But using this piece of music..I guess this song is too touching..I need a cheerful one..
Any recommendation anyone? If there is, please contact me as soon as possible.
But i bet no one will even read this post..HAH!
Anyway, i've done with SS for part one and two
I guess i've to keep working hard..
Although i've cheer slightly more, I still HATE MY LIFE!
Don't ask me why. I just hate it..
Actually the things we are studying now won't be of much help to us in the future..
So there's actually no point in studying them.
I mean, if you have that ability to do well, you don't have to study most of the subjects-eg Geo
But what's the point.
Is that going to change anything?
But we must be thankful that we are able to get a high education..
be thankful
Many thanks...

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