Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's been a long time since i last post, which is three days ago i think...
Haha, anyway school's fine, but i've been a little busy lately.
So had sports day yesterday, it was fun yet boring..
Haha, chatted a lot with Limin, Jeslin and Jasmine..
We were suppose to sit with all the veritas people but due to the lack of space we had to sit with all the integ people. There's where we met Limin..
Ok, i shall skip the interesting part-the raining portion..
then after sports day had ended, bus-ed back with lao gong jeslin...We were dead tired and slept in the bus..
Ok, then Jes got down the bus and i continue my journey back home sleeping =.=
Wah, i almost miss the stop to my home.
Luckily, someone sms-ed me and i woke up.
Then studied for tests and Nites..

When i woke up in the morning, I had a shock..
My eyes were red..
Probably due to the lack of sleep..
Arrgh, i need more sleeping time..
Anyway, took the tests and i think i'm going to fail the paper. =.=
Chinese was quite tough and e-maths is DIFFICULT!!!

Ok i shall end here, lazy to post anything liao..

BuBbye ;D

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