Thursday, March 4, 2010


today is another boring thursday.
Just finished all my tests for this week.
The following week, i'm really packed.
I've E-maths, S.S and Chinese test..
Anyway, two days ago..
we went to BODY WORLD!!!
Oh my gosh!!! It's really interesting. There are many schools there too.
I'm wondering how did they preserve those body..
But nevertheless, i really like that trip.
When we are in the bus going to Science centre, something funny happen in the bus.
Two guys(i shall not say the name) slept on each other's shoulders.
And the whole class was laughing at the both of them and taking pictures, but they are still sleeping.. HAHA!!!
Then on the way back, crap a lot with Min zhao, Young ern and Xing yu..
Haha, Min zhao was really funny, Kind of bhb though, haha..
And that sek kun was observing us or something and he kept on saying things that really pissed me off today..
Haiz, why am i so unlucky to be in the same class as him..
Anyway, tomorrow is e-learning day, so NO SCHOOL!!! MUAhahahha.
What an evil laugh i have..
Anyway, i can't wait to the march holidays arrive, might be busy with prefect's stuff..

I think i have to cool down a little, I'm too stress over my studies.
But what choice do i have, Who asked me to choose to go e1.
Its great to be in sec 1. I should have enjoy my childhood days...

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