Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today is the 22nd of May.
It's another boring day at home, but I shall engulf myself in something..

yesterday was vistarian road run.
So, we ran 2010m as this year was year 2010.
As per usual, i walked for the whole journey.
Walked with Limin.
And chatted a lot..
just chat about the usual stuffs-exams!
Then after the whole event.
When to find my dear Jeslin and went to compass for lunch.
After eating, went to Jes's house to wait until the time on the watch reaches 12.30pm
Waited and waited, and finally, it's 12.30
Went to find Jing yee and went to Jing yee's house.
Was suppose to meet up with Amanda but she has CCA.
So chatted till 4 then I went back first..

Then at 7.30, went to dunno where to have a family dinner.
As per usual, ate then went home.
SO, generally, had another boring day..


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