Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh My Gosh!!!
I have a horrible week in school..
I can't seem to catch up with my school work.
My physics is in a horrible mess.
I don't even know what is Mrs.Chng saying..
Don't know what about turning effect of forces..
A full of crap.. Haha, partly because i don't undertand..
Then for chemistry,
I also don't understand what is Ms.Lee saying..
Same for Biology..
Haiyo, sec 3 life really sux..
Its so tiring and energy consuming..
You know why??
Cos i stay back almost everyday to settle some stuffs.
After that, when i have reached home, its already very late..
And when i want to start studying, its already 8+
So of course,
being a studious person,
i studied until about 12+
then the next day..........
I have no energy to focus in work...
sometimes, i would doze off to my own dreamland..
must buck liao, OR ELSE i'll fall behind


Oh yar,
and thanks
and Jing yee
for your advise.. ;D;D;D

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