Tuesday, May 18, 2010

took some pictures with my family:D:D:D
That happened 2 days ago?
when we met up

Amanda, Jing yee and I
Look at Jing yee, haahaa, nice pose!

Jeslin, me and Jing yee.
At that time we took, there was one guy doing something funny.

Jeslin, me and Amanda.
Look at Jeslin. HEEHEE

Me, Jeslin and Jing yee

And lastly, is this picture.
I look weird in it but it's nice though.
At least i get to take pictures with my BEST BEST friends^^
They are one of the most important people in my life..
And, we are ONE BIG FAMILY:D

have gotten back some of the results already.
Didn't do really well.

For chem and Bio, i scored 74.
One more mark to A1!!!!

For phy,
I scored 51. It was really unexpected as I think that I wouldn't pass.
well, at least I did

For a-maths,
I scored 70/100. I was really disappointed in myself.

For e-maths,
I guess i didn't do really well either.
Paper 1, I only scored 39/60.
for Paper 2, I only scored 48/60

Didn't do well for Cl but scored only 58.

But for SS,
I was really take aback.
I actual scored26/30..
That made me speechless...

So, that's about it,
will be getting back eng and geo tomorrow.

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