Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year..

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year.
All i can say was, it was boring..
Didn't do much visiting. It was the relatives who visited us instead..
Now everyone has left and we were obviously rotting at home doing nothing except for me who was blogging away:D
Anyway still waiting for people who might be coming later..
So, for the past few hours, saw many relatives and cousins..
Might be catching a movie later on, but it's not confirm yet..
Tomorrow, we'll do a little visiting before going to wild wild wet to get ourselves drench.
Then we'll have a BBQ at my aunt's place..
That will be what we're going to do for the second day of CNY.
For the third day of CNY, nothing much but just do a little visiting i guess.
If not we'll rot at home the whole day, worst still studying for tests.
That's the worst thing i'm going to do during the CNY..
Might be borrowing some horror movies though..


Bye earthlings. :D:D:D

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