Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today is a Saturday..
Everyone knows that.. Just being random..
Anyway, just had tuition in the morning, and thankfully i really understand more about physics..
I don't know why, but i really can't seem to know how to answer those questions even though i know the formula.
I think i'm going to drop physics by the end of this year, but i'm still going to try my best.
Hope i won't be dropping any subjects, but who knows.
Next week is really a horrible week.
There's so many tests and here i am blogging..
I'm totally a loser.. Maybe not.
Chem and Bio is almost done and for eng test, there's nothing much to prepare about it..
Please save me..
There's one more chap to go for bio, and that chapter has a whole lot of chunks to memorize.
I don't think i'll be able to do it..
And Chem seems hard, i should have work harder when i'm in sec one and two.
But there's no turning back now!!! I must work hard!! And no giving up!!!


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