Thursday, December 29, 2011

Outing with Amanda, Jing and Jes was pushed forward to yesterday:D
It was the most FANTASTIC day ever:D I have SO much FUN with them:D
First we headed to a library at Bishan.
Then we went to Cineleisure at dunno where to catch 'Already Famous'.
The movie was really funny. HahaXD
We also did some shopping together and took some photos using Jing's camera:D
Although it was a tiring day, but it was definitely worth it:D
We had so much fun and laughter together:D
We gotta go out together soon again:D:D:D
Love ya~ <3

Today, went to school to return my choir uniform and collect some award thingy.
Thanks Jes for accompanying me:D
Thank god Mdm Woo was in. So, I managed to return it safely.
And after collecting the award, I left school and accompany Ah Zhu to the dental clinic to have his braces done.
We went to have ice-cream at Cold Stone first.
I ordered a strawberry flavoured one:D It's really nice:D Yum:P
But, I'm really full now. Hehe:P
Then accompany him into the dental room thingy.
That's all~:D

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Phew, manage to get a load of my mine. Have been really pondering about it. Since it had been so-called 'settled', I can relax:D

Today is 27 December. An ordinary day. Gonna do spring cleaning again:D
Once I'm done today, I don't have to pack any of my stuff for one or two years:D Yeah!:D

Tomorrow is the 28 of December. A very memorable date indeed. Oh well, life still goes on:D

The day after tomorrow, on the 29, I'm going to head back to school to return my choir uniform:D And also to collect some award stuff from the school:D

And finally, 30 December:D Am really looking forward to this day:D:D:D
It will be the most fantastic day ever:D Going out with 3 sexy babes:D Hehe<3
Am sure going to enjoy it to the MAX:D

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas is certainly many people's favourite season:D
Today, went out with family to Tampinese mall:D
It was really crowded. Bump into many strangers..
So today, we went to catch Sherlock Holmes. It was quite good though I don't quite understand some parts of the story. But at least I understand the whole plot^^
Food was..really feeling~~
In the afternoon, we went to Bali Thai to have lunch. The Pineapple rice was fantastic. But the squid thingy taste weird. The drinks were good too.
At night, we went to have Tepanyaki. Wow, I was really full and couldn't finish the food. Have to give some of them to old bean.. HahaXD
Also bought a new pair of shoe for new year while my Bro bought 2 pairs of school shoes.
Walking around, i saw many job vacancies available at many stores. Maybe I will go for the interview after my O levels if I'm heading for a poly^^
That's about it~
The End~

To Santa: May my wishes come true:D

Friday, December 23, 2011

Results are gonna be release soon..
It'd better be good. Worse come to worse; going to a poly may be a good start.
Whatever it is, life still goes on.

Came back from Indonesia already:D
On the last day of the trip, we went to Carrefour there. Bought many tidbits:D
Mostly were chips for munching.
Some of it were chips from Indonesia.
My cousin recommended some great ones:D
Gonna enjoy it to the fullest^^
1/1 is coming soon:D
The new start of 2012.
I'm surely gonna forget all the bad things that happen during 2011 and await what's gonna happen in 2012. Will be going out with Jes, Amanda and Jing:D
Yeah!:D Can't wait to go out together.
A brand new start in life:D

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good Afternoon everybody:D
Here's Qy posting from Indonesia:D
These past few days have been great apart from all the mosquito attacks:D
The food here great but is really spicy. But, shiok ah. HahaXD
I spend most of my time playing the xbox with my cousins:D
It was tiring. The dancing one requires lots of energy.
So we were sweating and resting every now and then. But it was still great:D
We also went shopping but there were nothing nice here.
The air-con there also broke down. So it's pretty stuffy there.
Yesterday, my cousins and I went to the cinema at Indonesia:D
We watched Breaking Dawn Part 1. The movie was quite good:D Gonna catch part 2 when it's out:D
The movie ticket here was relatively cheap. It cost only $3.50. And the seat there was really confortable. It was big and soft. HahaXD The popcorn was delicious too:D
Not forgtting the pizza we ate earlier:D It was really really good^^ The pizza hut here has many different flavours and there is a vast variety of drinks:D
Really enjoyed myself yesterday:D
The end~

Thursday, December 8, 2011

7th December 2011
Went out with Amanda, Jing and Jes:D
At first went to play badminton with Jing.
After a while when we went to rest, some people went to snatch the badminton court:(
Then went to Jing's house and help her with some stuff:D
Meet Amanda afterwards and we chat for a while:D
At around 5 plus, we went to meet Ah Jes.
Chat chat chat:D:D:D
Went home at 7:D
8th December 2011
Today, went out with Jing and Jes:D
Went to Sembawang.
Went to the library and borrow many books:D:D:D
Then went to meet Amanda at around 5.45pm
Immediately rush to starbucks afterwards to get a free coffee for Ah Zhu:D
The queue was really long. Had to wait for about 1h 15min in order to get Ah Zhu's coffee:D
We chatted while queueing:D
It was really funnn:D
Then afterwards, went home and chat with Mr.Penguin:D
The end~
Flying off soon.
Hehe, I have also changed my tagboard to the old one^^

Saturday, December 3, 2011

3 December 2011

Today is a Saturday.
A very boring day..There's nothing to do except stoning at home.
I'm so bored:(
Will be going to Indonesia soon-next saturday in fact.
It's another goodbye to Singapore.
Bored to death already...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1 December 2011
Hehe, specially updated this blog for Mr.Penguin SungXD
Went out today with Mr Fat Penguin Sung:D:D:D
We met at 12pm and went to Dhoby gaut (Dunno how to spell:X).
Ate at some fastfood restaurent:D Yum yum^^ And a homogenous mixture of drinks:D Haha.
Then walk around and went to clarke quay and sat at the Singapore river. It's muddy..
Then went to Nex and bought for HJ a Nerf toy gun. Special thanks to Mr.Penguin Sung for helping me in the quest for searching a suitable toy for a little boy. Hehe^^
Then we went home and Fat Penguin Sung sent me home!!:D:D:D
The End~

Friday, November 4, 2011

The finishing line yet?

4th November 2011
Greetings Earthlings,
once again, i'm back in action:D
My blog hadbeen dead for centuries, not exactly centuries but 'centuries'. HahaXD
The last time i blogged was in January. Since that date, many things have changed:D
For the better or for the worse..Not really within my means huh...
Oh well, first, O levels are so-called over, not exactly over but my mind is already entering Lalaland because the subsequent papers left are only MCQ.
And best of all, i'm already 16 though i spent my horrible birthday mugging.
Nonetheless, special thanks to Ms Amanda:D
Thanks for your birthday wish and all your encouragements you have given in this long marathon:D Haha:D Really excited to meet up with you soon:D
Not forgetting Mr Penguin:D
Haha, somehow, time really flies..Everyone has 'metamorphosise' in one way or another. But everything just move on.though no man is an island; but somehow or rather, we just had to rely on ownselves. Only independence can depend one's survival in this ongoing evolutionary..
Oh well, a whole new life awaits us next year. New environment, new uniform and new friends.
It will be a busy year; a phase in which everyone has to undergo. There's no escape to this.
Goodnight:D gonna explore the world of freedom with Ah Zhu tomorrow:D

Sunday, January 30, 2011

30th January 2011

Should I update my blog?
Nah, I shouldn't. But I think I will make a quick one just to kind of revived it..

Had a Phy test. We were all stunned by the questions definitely not because it's easy.
It's the exact opposite of easy.
Got back the results the next day. Only 11 people out of 30 passed. I just passed:D
The highest score was 24/40 and I've gotten a 20.
But, there's still room for improvement.

Had PE and some unlucky things happened:X
Shall not mention it or I'll have to wash myself with holy water again.
Haha. Not that exaggerating but it is that exaggerating.

Had choir in the morning but I can't singD:
Was down with a bad flu and soar throat(which deteriorate the next day.)
Upon hearing my section sing, I'm really tempted to join in.
Had to suppress it..
Then, it was lesson time): Urgh.
Had chem practical and we did titration individually.
Everything went on smoothly just that my chemicals were spilling all over from the so-called leaking burette. Great.
After school, went for the movie screening with Limin and Yvonne:D
The movie was kind of boring.
Really wanted to sleep.
Had to complete the ws and blah blah blah.
But in the end, It's of no use..

Had a-maths trigo test.
Was kinda tough yet easy.
Doesn't make sense huh..
And Mrs Loo gave a lot of hw. Sian. ZZZ

Had PE again and it rained.
I was rejoicing at first but then Mr Yon made us do lots and lots of physical training and I end up groaning. Geez.
I was dead mentally but not physically after that. -.-
After school had choir.
Had Bio test for half an hour then waited for Limin for another 1hr before eating together:D
Ordered fishball noodles with Chilli and i regretted my decision soon after my first bite.
It was SPICY!!

Had choir.
Went at 10 for sectionals. Had a 1hr break and practice with Mr Liew starts at 12.30.
Then went home at 3.30 and started chiong-ing hw.
Had loads of them and there's many tests next year.
What a great CNY i have(it's a sarcastic remark).
I'm definitely not looking forward to CNY as once school resumes, I'll have mock exams every week.

Nothing happened.
Just enjoyed the cool breeze from the heavy rain:D
The end~

Saturday, January 1, 2011

31st December 2010

Outing with Gans!!! WOOHOO:D
All of us wore the domo-kun shirt:D Haha, the domo-kun Family
Went to Parkway and have lunch. Shop Shop around.
Ate ice-cream with Jing. Nice~~~
Then went to cityhall? Or izzit somewhere else? Not really sure. Hehe.
Went to cotton on and look around. Dearie Jes bought a pair of sunglasses:D
Then took a train back to Pasir ris and its home sweet home.
Had to prepare for school already.
School's starting in less than a week.
Today is the last day i can say O levels is next year.
Time really flies huh..
Gonna work really hard next year and aim for Meridian JC!!:D
All the best everyone and wish all of you a Happy New Year:D
Forget the past and look into the present.