Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas is certainly many people's favourite season:D
Today, went out with family to Tampinese mall:D
It was really crowded. Bump into many strangers..
So today, we went to catch Sherlock Holmes. It was quite good though I don't quite understand some parts of the story. But at least I understand the whole plot^^
Food was..really feeling~~
In the afternoon, we went to Bali Thai to have lunch. The Pineapple rice was fantastic. But the squid thingy taste weird. The drinks were good too.
At night, we went to have Tepanyaki. Wow, I was really full and couldn't finish the food. Have to give some of them to old bean.. HahaXD
Also bought a new pair of shoe for new year while my Bro bought 2 pairs of school shoes.
Walking around, i saw many job vacancies available at many stores. Maybe I will go for the interview after my O levels if I'm heading for a poly^^
That's about it~
The End~

To Santa: May my wishes come true:D

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