Saturday, January 1, 2011

31st December 2010

Outing with Gans!!! WOOHOO:D
All of us wore the domo-kun shirt:D Haha, the domo-kun Family
Went to Parkway and have lunch. Shop Shop around.
Ate ice-cream with Jing. Nice~~~
Then went to cityhall? Or izzit somewhere else? Not really sure. Hehe.
Went to cotton on and look around. Dearie Jes bought a pair of sunglasses:D
Then took a train back to Pasir ris and its home sweet home.
Had to prepare for school already.
School's starting in less than a week.
Today is the last day i can say O levels is next year.
Time really flies huh..
Gonna work really hard next year and aim for Meridian JC!!:D
All the best everyone and wish all of you a Happy New Year:D
Forget the past and look into the present.

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