Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good Afternoon everybody:D
Here's Qy posting from Indonesia:D
These past few days have been great apart from all the mosquito attacks:D
The food here great but is really spicy. But, shiok ah. HahaXD
I spend most of my time playing the xbox with my cousins:D
It was tiring. The dancing one requires lots of energy.
So we were sweating and resting every now and then. But it was still great:D
We also went shopping but there were nothing nice here.
The air-con there also broke down. So it's pretty stuffy there.
Yesterday, my cousins and I went to the cinema at Indonesia:D
We watched Breaking Dawn Part 1. The movie was quite good:D Gonna catch part 2 when it's out:D
The movie ticket here was relatively cheap. It cost only $3.50. And the seat there was really confortable. It was big and soft. HahaXD The popcorn was delicious too:D
Not forgtting the pizza we ate earlier:D It was really really good^^ The pizza hut here has many different flavours and there is a vast variety of drinks:D
Really enjoyed myself yesterday:D
The end~

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