Friday, December 23, 2011

Results are gonna be release soon..
It'd better be good. Worse come to worse; going to a poly may be a good start.
Whatever it is, life still goes on.

Came back from Indonesia already:D
On the last day of the trip, we went to Carrefour there. Bought many tidbits:D
Mostly were chips for munching.
Some of it were chips from Indonesia.
My cousin recommended some great ones:D
Gonna enjoy it to the fullest^^
1/1 is coming soon:D
The new start of 2012.
I'm surely gonna forget all the bad things that happen during 2011 and await what's gonna happen in 2012. Will be going out with Jes, Amanda and Jing:D
Yeah!:D Can't wait to go out together.
A brand new start in life:D

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