Thursday, December 29, 2011

Outing with Amanda, Jing and Jes was pushed forward to yesterday:D
It was the most FANTASTIC day ever:D I have SO much FUN with them:D
First we headed to a library at Bishan.
Then we went to Cineleisure at dunno where to catch 'Already Famous'.
The movie was really funny. HahaXD
We also did some shopping together and took some photos using Jing's camera:D
Although it was a tiring day, but it was definitely worth it:D
We had so much fun and laughter together:D
We gotta go out together soon again:D:D:D
Love ya~ <3

Today, went to school to return my choir uniform and collect some award thingy.
Thanks Jes for accompanying me:D
Thank god Mdm Woo was in. So, I managed to return it safely.
And after collecting the award, I left school and accompany Ah Zhu to the dental clinic to have his braces done.
We went to have ice-cream at Cold Stone first.
I ordered a strawberry flavoured one:D It's really nice:D Yum:P
But, I'm really full now. Hehe:P
Then accompany him into the dental room thingy.
That's all~:D

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