Saturday, July 31, 2010

Came back from CHEM CRT.
Can you imagine the pain of staying in class with 2 HOURS OF chemistry.
That's totally insane.
Haahaa, i'm exaggerating.
So generally, school was fine.
I forgot all the things that happened in school.
Have been quarreling with SK and MZ lately. Haha
It's only a fun quarrel though.
So yesterday,
was suppose to meet up with Ms.Lin at 2pm.
But at about 1, she has something on. So, left school and bus-ed to compass to meet up with my DARLING CHIA JING YEE:D
haha, we chatted a lot. and of course, i complained a lot about SK & MZ. That's what girls usually talk about. I mean, research has shown that girls talk more than guys (my own research);x
And of course we talk about JY'S favourite-Ah Piao and Ye jun.
So left her house at about 3. Took 83 from compass before changing to bus 88.
So generally, i had a great time yesterday:D
So slept at about 12 to prepare for today's CRT):
Then when the lesson almost ended, Ms Lee told Min zhao took give out some books.
And he stood up; and everyone knows he's wearing shorts (our school shorts that guys in the lower sec classes wore)
And was laughing simultaneously.
It was damn weird to see him in SHORTS!
Then he was like, "why? cannot wear shorts ar.."
Then i was thinking, i didn't say you can't.
Then bus-ed home after that and here I am blogging..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Haiz, this week is kind of a bad week for me.
Firstly, my message explode liao, i think i have already exceeded the limit of 1000 sms per month.
Come on, 1000 is to0 little;x Haahaa.
So monday's fine.
Secondly, my msn tio virus.
I hope my com doesn't crash and it won't affect anything especially the computer itself and FACEBOOK!
Tuesday too, my bag is really heavy.
Wed is ok. It's racial harmony day, had a whole full of activities but had e-maths CRT after that.
Thurs is ok too. Had choir with Mr.Liew after that and it was great though i was a little appalled.
Friday's the BEST! ;D
Had Bio practical, and we did the disection of the sheep's heart.
It was really disgusting at first but it was okay after that and we all HAD A GREAT TIME AFTER THAT!
To disect the sheep heart; requires a lot of energy. The heart is made up of very strong muscles so that explains it.


Anyway, here's the picture of the sheep's heart!
Cool isn't it. Haahaa
It was taken by one of classmates;P

That's all folks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

If you recieve any links from me, DON'T CLICK IT!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Last day of the week is always the best.
Anyway, congrats to the competitors that went to the taiwan trip:D
Ok, school was fine, but i'm really feeling tired today. Feel like sleeping during the whole time at school esp during Bio.
Eng lesson was the BEST, we did a little"activity". It's about narrative writing. And all the story-telling during that activity was funny and pervetic. Haha, i think it's already suitable for Bio lesson. Haahaa, Bio students, you know what I mean yeah *winks*
So altogether, 3 stories were told.It's about some of the guys in the class. So don't know how, the whole story lead to some pervetic stuffs.
So teacher ended this activity early.
So had Bio lesson after that, and it's quite interesting. But due to my sleepiness, I switched off.
Had recess and as per usual, blew the whistle and chase the people.
Then had Cl and SS lesson and next mon, there will be a SS test on SBQ. I was like shit, i am quite weak in that....

So for the past few days, recieved quite a number of hw. Actually, i had loads of them.
So this weekend is definitely not a pleasant one.
HAD to do lots of revision and hw.
I'm bored to death.

So anyway, the current seating arrangement is quite ok.
Nothing happened much, just that sek kun wore ***UNDERWEAR to school. Haaahaa!!!!!!
He even "showcase" it to everbody.
But i'm the only one who saw it..
so our whole conversation is about his ***underwear.
I'm definitely not a pervert, he show it to everyone with pride so anyone can see it.
HAAHAA~ Sorry sk, this is to teach you a lesson not to bully me in class.
Kay, bye~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow, i'm actually blogging during weekdays.
That's something I should be surprise of..
Haha, so anyway, today's the second day of a new week.
Ok, i'm exaggerating.
So school's fine, but it's pretty boring especially when there's no one to talk to during lessons.
I mean not during break times or whatever.
Because teacher change the seating arrangement of the person beside me,
so Jiayi is not sitting beside me anymore):
so in the end i have a boring life in class.
But it'll be better if some SK product stop harrassing me.
He's been pissing my off lately. =.=
Shall ignore him.

Just got back A-maths results.
Miraculousy, I passed:D Hahaa.
I just hit the dot, 10/20 :D
Was suppose to get 11/20 but have marking error, so teacher have to deduct one mark):
but generally, the class didn't do really well.
Many people failed that test, so the class's average is 9 marks.
zzz, upon hearing that, i thought i was gonna fail.
So anyway, i passed. and that's history.

For the past few days, Mr.Lim didn't come,
so stayed in class for phy lesson. Mr.Lee went on teaching and his class is really funny, haahaa
I should have been less careless during mid-year to get into his class.
But anyway, that's history too..
So, i really paid attention in Mr.Lee's class soo when Mr.lim comes back and teaches us, I would understand better.
Chem and Bio was ok, but chem is a little complicated, dunno what reagents thingy plus this salt and that salt then give you a salt
haahaa, glad that i somehow understand.
But there's a whole chunk to remember for chem. ZZZ
Like a whole worksheet full if important stuffs.
eng lesson was boring, test test all the way.
the next eng lesson also have another test.
Also have ss test this fri.
Wah, more sian.ZZZ
haiz, that's the life of a typical bookworm..

People, please wish me goodluck for all the upcoming tests!!!
Bye~ :D:D:D

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yesterday was a fine day

Jun and Mie:D
Crap crap crap..
Yesterday, mum went to Korea, without us):
My dream was to go there, and she actually accompany grandma to go there.
How great that was, cos my bro and I actually had to remain in Singapore and get tortured by the heat here while she's enjoying herself there..
Anyway, went to the airport to sent her, my grandma, my two cousins and my aunt and uncle to Korea.. Haaahaaa.
So I forced my bro Jun to wear the same shirt as me.
I bought that shirt about 4 years ago and it has the same design on it,
just that it has different colours on them.
Left home at about 5.45pm.
Then we went to have our dinner at a Japanese restaurant.
They served pasta there.
Wow, and the food there was great, and the service is also excellent. HAAHAA.
They greeted us when we enter and I was a little paiseh, not used to it, but it was good.
So I ordered a plate of pasta with some sauce on it,
and I added loads of parmesan cheese on them.
Well, what can you expect from a cheese-lover. I'm a die-hard fan of cheese:D
Haahaa, after dinner shopped around although there's nothing to shop for.
So I gave mum a whole list of things I want to but.
So here's it is: One sling bag for school and other uses.
One handbag for outings-preferbly a white one(:
A new watch (I want a kawaii one) Haahaa, just kidding.
Two pairs of shoes.
New clothes-I want a dress, but i wont wear them. Haahaa, for CNY maybe..

I think that's about it.
Jun wants a new board game, but i think the luggage will be full of my stuffs:P
Who cares about that stinky JING JUN.
So i'm looking forward to see all my Korea gifts:D:D:D
Got to do my revision now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Two weeks of school have past. And all I could say was, it just sux. Haahaa.
Teacher had just changed our seating arrangement, so Jiayi is not sitting beside me anymore):
Aiya don't care larhs.
Had been feeling lethargic lately, but luckily I still have my friends supporting me.
I LOVE YOU JESLIN, AMANDA AND JINGYEE. (The name is not in any order;)
Thanks Jeslin for accompanying me to eat (you should since you are my lovely hubby).
Thx Amanda for always being there for me. Haha
And thanks Jingyee for cheering my up (cos I went to you blog and disturb you about AH PIAO~) :P
Make sure she doesn't read this. HAAHAA
So just had logarithms test, one word to describe it "fail".
The test is so difficult, wth, CY said it was from the tys, i can do the qns in it but not for the test.
Then just had El test today, and i don't think i will do well for it.
My format is all in a mess.
Sian, next week still have another eng test.
then the following week have SS and eng test again.
Aiya, students just have no life larhs

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally, one week of school have past.
This goes to show that time really flies..
Anyway, school was fine.
Hadn't really do much, probably is because school has just reopened and people are feeling lethargic.
We requested quite a number of break times especially during Bio lesson:x
And Ms.Lin's very nice, she agreed to let us have short breaks... :D:D:D
On Monday, was the first day of school, had a new time-table and it sux.
On tuesday and thursday, we had triple-science. On top it, we had both A and E-maths. Only a few subjects was NOT ON MATHS AND SCIENCE.
So it was practically a MATHS AND SCIENCE DAY FOR US!!!
That tells why we are lethargic on these two days.
And our bags are really heavy.
Wednesday is the best!:D
We only had eng, CDP and Cl?
So my bag is really light. hahaha

So on thursday, went to meet up with darling Amanda:D
She accompanied me to CP to have my lunch.
After eating, went back to Jeslin's house.
We chatted a lot and the FUN PART IS,
Her ah.piao.
hahahahaha, it was really fun.
I noticed that when I'm with them, i smiled a lot:D:D:D
So went home after that.

On friday, took height and weight.
I grew 2 cm, yay!;D
Finaly, i exceeded 160cm.
Quite pleased with my current height now.
My mass didn't increase a lot.
Only 39kg, grew fatter by 1 kilogram. But it's better than nothing.
So after school had choir.
For the non-tour members, we did the NDP songs and dance steps.
We'll be singing reach out for the skies.
The dance steps are not that difficult yet complicated.
I had problems coordinating. Haahaa, as expected from me.
So went home after that, thx Limin for sharing your umbrella with me and accompanying to the bus stop everytime. LOVE YOU TO THE MAX:D Haahaa

I don't know why, but I don't have the mood to study, i'm worried that I might lagged behind. Gotta start studying soon.
I don't think I'll do well for end-year, hopefull O'levels will be a better one. The marathon has started, yet i'm still brisk walking while others are sprinting towards the finishing line):

Anyway, had quite a lot of heart-to-heart talks with Amanda too.
And thanks Amanda for always supporting me when I needed help:D
Love you to the max<3

Hopfully; O'levels will pass by soon.
I just want to get it over and done with and end this hectic secondary school life and start poly life.
Have gave it a long thought. At first, I aimed to go to JC, but after seeing last year's batch of result, I gave up hope and wished to continue my education in poly.
It'll be much better as it'll not be as stressful as in JC. Anyway who knows what dangers might come in for the trackers. We just have to be prepared no matter what happens.

I shall end this long 'composition' here.

'A dancer's last wish is to continue her dancing path till the very end without quitting...'