Saturday, June 26, 2010

Everyone knows that.
School's reopening and I'm so not looking forward to it.
Homework's completed, but i'm not yet done from revision.
Nah, who cares. I'm not hitting my books anymore until school starts.
The past few days was fine, I guess.
Had been practicing a lot of questions on logarithms.
I guess, i had a better understanding of it already.

So two days ago, went to choir.
It was alright.

That's all, nothing more to post.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yesterday have CRT with Mrs.Lim
She gave us a few questions, that's all.
After CRT, went to the general office to collect NRIC with Melody and Xing yu.
I look so weird in it.. I want a re-photoshoot.
Then went to meet up with Limin.
Walked to shop and save to eat.
Then walked back to school.
Before going for choir practise, went to accompany Limin to collect her NRIC
Then went home before going for the class gathering.
Class gathering was ok I guess.
Manage to bond with a few of my classmates:D
Then had the BBQ.
The food was great, especially the fish
That's all:D:D:D I think...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today is the 17th of June.
It's not a really good sign.
This mark the opening of school in a moments time.
Not exactly in a moment, but approximately in one week time.
So the hectic life of a student repeats itself. It will never stop till we graduate from university (it's different from one individual to another)
So, I have got to study soon, and of course finish all my assignments.
There will be a logarithm test when school reopens and I know nothing about it.
It's not that I wasn't paying attention when the teacher is down with her lecture.

Anyway, went to Melody's place today to complete the eng + ss assignment as well as the phy toy.
and congrats, job's done:D
I'm left with Chinese then, and it's half done.
Soon, i'll be able to start revision soon:D:D:D
It's really a piece of good news to me as I've been worried about my academic.
It really intrigued me to see that my grades have dropped drastically.
And I was appalled that I didn't make any improvements.
It was kind of disappointing, really.
But life still goes on, right...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Went out with Amanda, Jes and Jing yee yesterday.
Jing yee's mum finally allowed her to go out with us after much persuasion.
Everyone is in it.
Nice specs JESLIN! HAHA;D

Love this picture ttm:D


Jes, me and Jing yee

One family:D

So went to farrer park there to have lunch.
Only Amanda and I ate.
Jing and Jes ate liao.
So went to Burger King.
Lunch was really great. Yum yum.
But someone sms-ed me and spoiled it.
HAHA, Just kidding;D
After lunch, went to shop around and Amanda bought a dress.
It's really nice and it looked really good on her.
Then went to Hougang to accompany Jing yee and Jes to have a hair cut.
But before that,
went to one shop outside hougang mall and bought Some kind of sweet potato with spices?
I highly recommend that, it's really good.
So walk walk walk and reached the hairdresser.
Jes talked to the hairdresser about her hair.
But ultimately, only Jing yee went to cut her fringe. ITS NICE TOO!
Jes cut will GUAI GUAI de.
So her hair remains the same. Nothing much.

Then went back to compass.
Jing yee went home first.
Then, Amanda, Jes and I went to AMK.
Walked around, but there's nothing much then went to Kopitiam to have dinner.
Ordered hokkien mee
but in the end, they served one BIG PLATE OF BLACK NOODLES.
It's nice until we can sweat while we were eating.

Anyway, shall not elaborate much on that lovely plate of noodles.
Then took 88 back home.

So here I am blogging the next day:D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today's really a boring day..
Finished with the Nanking massacre assignment.
Spent many days on it.
Haahaa, down with one and left with four;P

went to Melody's place today to further discuss on the UAE project.
It's almost completed I think.
And luckily,
we are almost done with our physics toy making project.
YEAH! just that we are left with the write out..
So, generally, i left with that horrible book review and the transferring of my SS assignment onto the construction paper; I'll be done then..
Wakakakaka, then i can spend my remaining days of the holiday for revision.
Not neglecting my gan family of course.

Tomorrow will be an outing with my dearest gan family:D
You had better sleep early or I will hang a big fat pig head at you door TONIGHT!:D:D:D
So, will be meeting them at whitesands tomorrow at 11.
I think we'll be having lunch together outside and hopefully dinner.
Woo, i've loads of shopping to do tomorrow.
So sms me if you have anything to ask,
not redundant ones of course(directed to Smelly Jun:D).
I sense a great day ahead!
it's been a long time since we actually shopped together.

Afterward, i'm so reading 'The well' for my book review.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today's the 9th June.
Currently researching on a social studies assignment,
and i chose the topic Nanking massacre.
I have yet to finish that book and have problems compiling up all the informations.
I was interested in it that i went to the library to borrow a book on it.
Many thanks to Amanda, Jes and Jing yee for accompanying me to the library:D:D:D

Haahaa, so for the past few day,
went to meet up with my dearest family.
Chatted a lot.
we were suppose to tutor Jes on her maths,
but she woke up late and we all had to wait for her.
Then went to hougang and shop a while before i went to cut my hair..
=.=, great. Now i look like a weird mushroom
Haahaa, then went to buy some food and bus-ed back to compass to have our dinner.
So that's all.
will be meeting them again on the coming friday.
It would definitely be a fun day:D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who are we are we are we,
16 16 SLC!!! ;D

Oh my gosh,
I really love SLC ttm!
Had so much fun during the four days in hwa chong institution.
Although I didn't really actively participate much in it,
but I met many nice friends there.
So we did many discussions but I just kept quiet through out,
but anyway,
the grand finale was great.
Everyone was so hype out including me?
Anyway, I was not as enthusiastic as them.
Haahaa, but everything has come to an end.
I'll certainly miss all of them):
Hope we can still stay in touch with one another:D