Thursday, April 8, 2010

I've not post for a long time?
Well, not exactly long I guess.
Maybe 1 week or so?
had speech day rehearsals today,
and frankly speaking,
i think the choir did not perform up to all the seniors expectation.
so we perform for 2 rounds
then it's home sweet home.
But before that,
went to the prefect's room with cherlyn(?)
Sorry, i don't really know how to spell your name :x
Then walked to the bus-stop with the other prefects..
And Bus-ed back home..
So generally, everything was fine today..
WAIT! Something is not right.
It should be "No! Nothing is right today"
Had chem quiz and physic test today..
Chem quiz was a disaster, but i think i'm going to pass it.
For Physic, that's totally terrible.
One word to describe it..
If i'm able to pass that test,
that would already be a miracle..
If i can get A1 for it,
I swear that I won't disturb Jing jun?
what kind of thing is that?
Anyway, that's all about it.
Bye People :D:D:D

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