Friday, April 2, 2010

was Jing's birthday.
And of course there was a spread of good food on the table.
There was KFC chicken and sushi.
I think I ate a little too much;D
But it has been a long time since we ate together.
Anyway after the meal, we cut the cake.
And guess what..
The cake was a Chocolate cake.
And the 'good' thing is,
I hate chocolate.
But there's nothing I can do.
Jing Love choco.
Anyway, here's wishing him a happie wonderful birthday.
hope his wish comes true in clearing his pimples..
better not let him read this :x
Got to study soon):
Chem test coming soon,
Phy test too.
I still have eng test..
What a stressful year.
But next year would be not as good as this year.
O'levels coming liao.
Must chiong my work..
And you know what..
O'levels is just next year.
time really flies..

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