Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's another typical saturday; the same old boring routine continues..
Yesterday school was ok i guess..
Had tons of things to do due to the upcoming teacher's day..

On thurs,
Had gotten back Bio and Chem results.
Didn't do well for Bio, though i top the class. only scored 27/40.
For chem, it's still ok. I scored 23/30. Gotten second in class
Was quite pleased with the results.
But the quiz before that was atrocious. I think i would get a zero back for that.
Ms.Lee gave us a lecture on our 'misbehaviour'.
I really felt guilty. She's trying really hard to ensure that we'll all do well..
Sometimes when i saw her be it in school or outside school, I don't have the guts to look at her in the eye and telling her I'm from 3e1.
Anyway, I believe we will all try our best from now on...
So before Chem, had an A-maths test. And I have the confidence to say that I will do well.
Hopefully I will;)

On Fri,
had to appoint ten prefects to be backstage helpers.
Well, we have too many guys and are short of 2 girls.
So had to skipped sectionals..
I really wanna go for sectionals.
We were obviously slacking behind at the backstage and doing nothing.
Apparently, we have nothing to do and all the guys are shooting some of drama behind with plastic knives. Haahaa, they were really funny.
So just helped to move some of the rockband's equipments.
But on the actual day, we need 5 female and 5 male prefects to take part in some kind of teachers' day activity. Hopefully I don't need to present myself on stage. It would be really embarrasing.
So here are the list of backstage helpers:
Eugenia Goh
Samuel Neo
Say wei
Nicholas Chew
Fatihah and her friend:D:D:D
Thx all for the help yesterday..
Tues is the actual concert, jia you everyone.

Anyway, forgot to inform the classes that broke the mugs to collect it on mon.
Really sorry..
Too many things jamming in my mind so I forget about it...
I will pass it all to you on mon.

Had loads to do on mon.
All the preparations for teachers' day..
That's all..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's another saturday morning..
So as per usual, slept in till 11.30.
Woke up and the daily saturday routine continues.

Yesterday had choir. It was ok i guess..
So after it ended, when to mac with Wendy and Esther to have dinner:D
The at about 6.50pm, bus-ed home.
Had a long chat with my darling AMANDA;D
Chatted a lot and I LOVE HER ttm. Haha.
I hope i can see her soon..

Ok, got to go and study for my tests next week.
Hopefully i've some time left later for revision for the upcoming EOY):
I hate it.
Must chiong liao.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back again..
Had chem test today, and it's horribly done. Didn't complete it but i guess i would be able to pass.
Awaiting for the next important test of the week-Bio. Had loads to memorise for. This is so time-consuming that i did not have the time to complete reading my library books.
So school's fine.. Nothing much to elaborate on.
Yesterday, went for the viewing of the YOG badminton game.
It was pretty boring but interesting though.
And the food there was really expensive, so starve the whole time there.

Anyway, watched a really touching DVD last week.
This movie is based on a real story that took place in Japan many years ago..
Well, to summarise it; it's about a dog who send his master (a university professor) to the train station for work and fetch him later in the evening.
But one day, his master died while he was teaching.
However, Hachiko continued to wait for his master even after he knew that his master would never be coming back again.
So he waited for 9 years before he finally died; at the train station..

Had gotten back phy, cl and a-maths results.
Didn't do very well.
At least there's an improvement for phy but i failed Cl..
K that's all~

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hey peeps, outing with all my Baobei yesterday:D
Went to Jes house at 2pm to meet up with her and SQ.
Then went with Jing to meet up with Amanda.
Then walk to compass to meet up with the others.
Bought titbits from value dollar shop. I bought a can of chips while Amanda bought a packet of chips:P Haahaa
Took bus to AMK hub..
Sat with Amanda while Jes sat with SQ.
My nu er Jing sat solo):
Don't be sad nu er, mama give you hug hug:D:D:D

So went to catch the move The Last Airbender.
Jes and SQ went to catch the 3D one while Amanda, Jing and I went to catch the 2D one. So we went our separate ways.
Anyway before that, we went to shop around.

Amanda, me and Jing:D

Haha, stole this pic from Jing's blog.

So had a really great time:D Chatted a lot too:P
So finally the movie started and we were all really excited, it's the first movie we catch together:D
So generally, the movie's fine. But it's quiite boring but i enjoyed it though.
But it's only on book one-water.
There's still 3 more to go. I'm still considering whether i should catch the other episodes too.
Bt nevertheless, i enjoyed myself though some NMZ called to disrupt the fun and said all those nonsence=.=
So after the movie, bus-ed home and reached home at about 10.
That's all, thanks for the wonderful time I had:D:D:D
I love you all.