Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's Saturday today. Don't know whether should i be happy or not.. But i guess, i'm not really happy. Have many work to do over the weekends, i guess i won't be enjoying them until O'levels are over... But nevertheless, i'm trying to stay as cheerful as i can be. Anyway, my throat is getting better, but it's not any better.. :( Have many tests next week, i guess i've to start hitting my books soon. Oh My gosh.. I don't feel like studying today but i think i must force myself to.

Maths, Maths and more MATHS!!! I don't really know how to solve problem sums in E-maths. Someone please safe me from the evil clutches of MATHS, Haha.. Got to do well in them!!! NO FAILURES ALLOWED!!! Same for my SCIENCE, especially physics and chemistry. Chinese too.. I think i'm too stress.. Haha, oh well, off to the WORLD OF STUDIES!! BYE everybody. never coming back until exams are over.. :D:D:

Off to vacation in the WORLD OF STUDIES!

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