Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's Saturday today. Don't know whether should i be happy or not.. But i guess, i'm not really happy. Have many work to do over the weekends, i guess i won't be enjoying them until O'levels are over... But nevertheless, i'm trying to stay as cheerful as i can be. Anyway, my throat is getting better, but it's not any better.. :( Have many tests next week, i guess i've to start hitting my books soon. Oh My gosh.. I don't feel like studying today but i think i must force myself to.

Maths, Maths and more MATHS!!! I don't really know how to solve problem sums in E-maths. Someone please safe me from the evil clutches of MATHS, Haha.. Got to do well in them!!! NO FAILURES ALLOWED!!! Same for my SCIENCE, especially physics and chemistry. Chinese too.. I think i'm too stress.. Haha, oh well, off to the WORLD OF STUDIES!! BYE everybody. never coming back until exams are over.. :D:D:

Off to vacation in the WORLD OF STUDIES!

Friday, January 29, 2010

This totally sux.

School has been great but it is being ruined by my stupid throat. Oh well, was having severe soar-throat today and it totally sux. I can't even speak a single word. My throat was still ok before recess just that it hurts and was very croaky. Until recess is over, and I've to do my normal chasing duty, this is when my throat becomes worse. So i was not able to speak properly at an interview, neither can i sing today in choir... Oh well, hope i'll get well soon by next Wednesday.

And next week i've so many tests. HOPE I DO WELL!!! ;D wish me luck!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


OMG! I've funally completed this blog. Have been sitting in front of the computer for hours just to complete this blog. It's so tiring to make one. Kind of regretted for making one... At least it turn out to be quite nice... Hope everyone would come and view my blog. :D:D:D


What are friends? Friends are special people who will be there for you when you need them. They will do anything to betray you, back stab you or anything that will hurt you. I have three very special friends--Jeslin and Jing yee.

Jeslin lao gong, please cheer up, don't be sad kay? Smile everyday like you always do. (: Jing yee and i will always be there for you even there's no tomorrow. You can tell us anything and we'll to help you always. (:

Jing yee nu er, you will always be my best friend no matter what.(: Work hard and stay happy!

Li min Best Friend, i'll always remember you (: Thanks for being my good friend, i really cherish our friendship. You're always by my side when i needed you. You'll always try your best to help me no matter what. Hope our friendship will last forever! :D

That's all earthlings..

Friday, January 22, 2010


Nothing much to post, really. After opening this blog for like a short while, i get bored with it. I can't really cope with it. I think i'm gonna close this blog soon until school's out. ): School really sux today, i don't know why, but it's fun though. Watch a "movie" during geo and eng lessons. It rox! Ok, i'm being an idiot right now. Maybe it's due to the STRESS i get, but that's not really the main reason.

Nights then, people. ):

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New here.

This blog has been officially open to all viewers. I'm not very good at blogs, so there are many weird things on my blog. Haha (:

Saturday, January 16, 2010