Thursday, December 8, 2011

7th December 2011
Went out with Amanda, Jing and Jes:D
At first went to play badminton with Jing.
After a while when we went to rest, some people went to snatch the badminton court:(
Then went to Jing's house and help her with some stuff:D
Meet Amanda afterwards and we chat for a while:D
At around 5 plus, we went to meet Ah Jes.
Chat chat chat:D:D:D
Went home at 7:D
8th December 2011
Today, went out with Jing and Jes:D
Went to Sembawang.
Went to the library and borrow many books:D:D:D
Then went to meet Amanda at around 5.45pm
Immediately rush to starbucks afterwards to get a free coffee for Ah Zhu:D
The queue was really long. Had to wait for about 1h 15min in order to get Ah Zhu's coffee:D
We chatted while queueing:D
It was really funnn:D
Then afterwards, went home and chat with Mr.Penguin:D
The end~
Flying off soon.
Hehe, I have also changed my tagboard to the old one^^

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