Friday, July 9, 2010

Two weeks of school have past. And all I could say was, it just sux. Haahaa.
Teacher had just changed our seating arrangement, so Jiayi is not sitting beside me anymore):
Aiya don't care larhs.
Had been feeling lethargic lately, but luckily I still have my friends supporting me.
I LOVE YOU JESLIN, AMANDA AND JINGYEE. (The name is not in any order;)
Thanks Jeslin for accompanying me to eat (you should since you are my lovely hubby).
Thx Amanda for always being there for me. Haha
And thanks Jingyee for cheering my up (cos I went to you blog and disturb you about AH PIAO~) :P
Make sure she doesn't read this. HAAHAA
So just had logarithms test, one word to describe it "fail".
The test is so difficult, wth, CY said it was from the tys, i can do the qns in it but not for the test.
Then just had El test today, and i don't think i will do well for it.
My format is all in a mess.
Sian, next week still have another eng test.
then the following week have SS and eng test again.
Aiya, students just have no life larhs

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