Thursday, February 25, 2010


I totally sucks at A-maths..
I've already done 2 A-maths Quiz and I've gotten zeros for it!
Quite shocking yea..
A hardworking student (not showing off or anything) can actually get 2 big zeros for her quiz.. How wonderful!
I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but i really didn't fare well for my A-maths.
Neither did i do very well for physics either..
Maybe going to e1 is really a wrong choice for me, but since i've chosen that path, i shouldn't give up that easily yea?

So i shall talk about school:
The first day of school, so nothing much to say..
But have chem test, i think i didn't do very well

can't really remember what i did.. Have STM the moment i get a year older..

Had CCA, quite boring yet fun. I didn't have the time to eat and i was late for my duty...
Then stayed back after school to settle some stuffs..
When to tuition afterward and i was really very late..
Ok nevermind, then rushed home have dinner at 9pm.
Wow, must first meal since breakfast..
After dinner, revise for physics test the next day..

HAD PHYSICS TEST!!! i think i didn't do well, so forget about it..
Then had a maths quiz, i think i will get an egg for that...

Ok, that's all about it...


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