Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3 days after the release of the O level results..
What are my thoughts...
Hmm, I manage to hit my target:D But the next worry would be whether I am able to get into the JC I desired): This is tough indeed..
But it has been confirmed!! I'm definitely heading to a JC.
Going to a poly did crossed my mind, but I can't make up my mind which course should I take.
All I can say is, this is definitely going to be a tough year.
Next year would be way worse.
Gonna work hard already.
Enjoying the last month~~~:D

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gosh Gosh Gosh!!! It has been confirmed!!!
O level results are gonna be released on the 9 at 2pm.
Seriously gonna get a heart attack. I'm really going to pray hard that I'll do well in this exam or I'll regret for the rest of my life~~~
Scary.. Should have studied harder.
Oh well, no matter how the results will be, I'm still gonna accept it.
Hopefully, I'm able to get into Meridian JC. Otherwise, i'll have to look for alternatives.
Oh well, i think i'm just gonna enjoy the remaining days:D

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Say Hello to 2012 with a wide smile and forget all about horrible 2011:D
A brand new year and a fresh new start:D
Somehow or rather, I'm beginning to love 2012.
Many things are going to happen in 2012.
The release of O level results, the choosing of school and etc.
Can't wait to go to a new school and have a fresh start.
And OH YEAH, I'm going to LOVE this and forgot all the tough times that had happened in 2011. Say goodbye to the past and welcome the present future with wide open arms:D
O levels had already past. Now is to look forward to the results and accept it.
No matter how I fare, I won't regret anything and just accept the reality:D

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Outing with Amanda, Jing and Jes was pushed forward to yesterday:D
It was the most FANTASTIC day ever:D I have SO much FUN with them:D
First we headed to a library at Bishan.
Then we went to Cineleisure at dunno where to catch 'Already Famous'.
The movie was really funny. HahaXD
We also did some shopping together and took some photos using Jing's camera:D
Although it was a tiring day, but it was definitely worth it:D
We had so much fun and laughter together:D
We gotta go out together soon again:D:D:D
Love ya~ <3

Today, went to school to return my choir uniform and collect some award thingy.
Thanks Jes for accompanying me:D
Thank god Mdm Woo was in. So, I managed to return it safely.
And after collecting the award, I left school and accompany Ah Zhu to the dental clinic to have his braces done.
We went to have ice-cream at Cold Stone first.
I ordered a strawberry flavoured one:D It's really nice:D Yum:P
But, I'm really full now. Hehe:P
Then accompany him into the dental room thingy.
That's all~:D

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Phew, manage to get a load of my mine. Have been really pondering about it. Since it had been so-called 'settled', I can relax:D

Today is 27 December. An ordinary day. Gonna do spring cleaning again:D
Once I'm done today, I don't have to pack any of my stuff for one or two years:D Yeah!:D

Tomorrow is the 28 of December. A very memorable date indeed. Oh well, life still goes on:D

The day after tomorrow, on the 29, I'm going to head back to school to return my choir uniform:D And also to collect some award stuff from the school:D

And finally, 30 December:D Am really looking forward to this day:D:D:D
It will be the most fantastic day ever:D Going out with 3 sexy babes:D Hehe<3
Am sure going to enjoy it to the MAX:D

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas is certainly many people's favourite season:D
Today, went out with family to Tampinese mall:D
It was really crowded. Bump into many strangers..
So today, we went to catch Sherlock Holmes. It was quite good though I don't quite understand some parts of the story. But at least I understand the whole plot^^
Food was..really feeling~~
In the afternoon, we went to Bali Thai to have lunch. The Pineapple rice was fantastic. But the squid thingy taste weird. The drinks were good too.
At night, we went to have Tepanyaki. Wow, I was really full and couldn't finish the food. Have to give some of them to old bean.. HahaXD
Also bought a new pair of shoe for new year while my Bro bought 2 pairs of school shoes.
Walking around, i saw many job vacancies available at many stores. Maybe I will go for the interview after my O levels if I'm heading for a poly^^
That's about it~
The End~

To Santa: May my wishes come true:D

Friday, December 23, 2011

Results are gonna be release soon..
It'd better be good. Worse come to worse; going to a poly may be a good start.
Whatever it is, life still goes on.

Came back from Indonesia already:D
On the last day of the trip, we went to Carrefour there. Bought many tidbits:D
Mostly were chips for munching.
Some of it were chips from Indonesia.
My cousin recommended some great ones:D
Gonna enjoy it to the fullest^^
1/1 is coming soon:D
The new start of 2012.
I'm surely gonna forget all the bad things that happen during 2011 and await what's gonna happen in 2012. Will be going out with Jes, Amanda and Jing:D
Yeah!:D Can't wait to go out together.
A brand new start in life:D