Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3 days after the release of the O level results..
What are my thoughts...
Hmm, I manage to hit my target:D But the next worry would be whether I am able to get into the JC I desired): This is tough indeed..
But it has been confirmed!! I'm definitely heading to a JC.
Going to a poly did crossed my mind, but I can't make up my mind which course should I take.
All I can say is, this is definitely going to be a tough year.
Next year would be way worse.
Gonna work hard already.
Enjoying the last month~~~:D

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gosh Gosh Gosh!!! It has been confirmed!!!
O level results are gonna be released on the 9 at 2pm.
Seriously gonna get a heart attack. I'm really going to pray hard that I'll do well in this exam or I'll regret for the rest of my life~~~
Scary.. Should have studied harder.
Oh well, no matter how the results will be, I'm still gonna accept it.
Hopefully, I'm able to get into Meridian JC. Otherwise, i'll have to look for alternatives.
Oh well, i think i'm just gonna enjoy the remaining days:D

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Say Hello to 2012 with a wide smile and forget all about horrible 2011:D
A brand new year and a fresh new start:D
Somehow or rather, I'm beginning to love 2012.
Many things are going to happen in 2012.
The release of O level results, the choosing of school and etc.
Can't wait to go to a new school and have a fresh start.
And OH YEAH, I'm going to LOVE this and forgot all the tough times that had happened in 2011. Say goodbye to the past and welcome the present future with wide open arms:D
O levels had already past. Now is to look forward to the results and accept it.
No matter how I fare, I won't regret anything and just accept the reality:D