Sunday, November 28, 2010

28th November 2010

Failure is the path to success.
We need to fail, and learn from mistakes before going into the path of 'successful-ness.'
We must have to guts to succeed and to fail;
and not walking away, leading our failures unanalysed or even denying the fact that we have failed.
Success for the first time doesn't mean that we could slacken down and not think about more ways we could do to capitalise on the chances of improvement.
We have to accept flaws and learn from them before we could eventually success.

"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required by him; it is the amount of excellence of what of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."
-By Charles Kendall Adams

Hmmm, why am i talking about success today. Lol.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm back!!!:D
Today's the 18 of Nov 2010.
Holidays have started but it doesn't seems like a HOLIDAY a all.
It's just another typical short break. Hehe.
Anyway, changed my blogskin back to the old one:D
I preferred this one.
So, had choir today.
Manage to complete a new song..
Had to rush through all my homework and assignments..
Gonna start revision my DEC.
So, had make plans for my education after leaving NVSS.
Well, i really wanted to get into Meridian JC.. Hopefully i can..
Really motivated to do so:D
Bye~ studying studying...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finally Blogged.
Special term has already started and it's really boring..
Homework piling after homework.
Just recieved Cl holiday assignment and I have to write 6 compositions.
Ms Lee just gave us another one today.
Sian. zzz.
In total, we have to write 7 compos)):
Seriously have no time for revision.
Left with one important mission; To think really hard to continue with triple science or drop to combine.
I'm dead tired.